Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

Four Present Playlet -During WCTU Meeting South Marion Women's Christian Temperance Union met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Claude The song service in charge of Mrs. Catherine Culbertson, accompanied by Mrs. Robert Wright, opened the session, -Devotions were given by Mrs. Claude Jones, 'who used as subject, "Jesus, the Light of the World." Business session was in charge of Mrs.

Dahl Curfman, who announced the state WCTU convention. Oct. at Fort Wayne. Mrs. Avery Wood introduced Prof, William P.

Fessenden of Marion College, who discussed his course at Northwestern University Scientific Temperance instruction. He also told of his visit to the former home. of Frances Willard. Mrs. Delight Wagner announced her plans for the youth work.

Mrs. Ernest Carey gave an account of her trip to Portland, where she attended the national WCTU convention. A playlet, entitled: "The Proposing President Promoter An Idea," WAS given by Mrs. David Kelley, Mrs. and Avery Rev.

Wood, James Mrs. Bell. Roy sey A demonstration of the voting machine was given by Mrs. 0. C.

Worsley. Mrs. Ruth Peaco*ck the closing prayer. Guests present were Mrs. Dempsey, Mrs.

Worsley, Mrs. Carey, Mrs. Peaco*ck, Prof. Fessenden and Rev. Bell.

Members attending were Mrs. Larina Pearson, Mrs. Arthur Wyckoff, Mrs. Edgar Culbertson, Mrs. Emma Harrigan, Mrs.

Margaret Mills, Mrs. Hobart Henry, Mrs. Lenna Painter, Mrs. Ethel Shelley, Mrs. Emaline Hillsamer, Mrs.

Claude Jones, Mrs. Margaret Huber, Mrs. Glen Outland, Royal T. Woodhead, Mrs. William F.

McConn, Mrs. Charles Weil, Mrs. Margaret Berrier, Mrs. Catherine Culbertson, Mrs. Charles Sills, Mrs.

Goldie Young, Mrs. Claude Rigsbee, Mrs. Dahl Curfman, Mrs. Flossie Peaco*ck, Mrs. Bertha Meredith, Mrs.

Elizabeth Stuckey, William Baldinger, Laura A. Elliott, Delia HowMrs. Janet Showalter, Mrs. Irving Jackson and daughter, JanMrs. Sylvia Downs, Mrs.

Avery Wood, Mra, Jack Burnett, Mrs. Theodore Kierstead, Mrs. U. S. Felton and Mrs.

Robert Wright. In the visitors' book Barnstable, England, parish church, a stranger recently wrote: "No I fixed abode. God speed housing." 4 I RELIGION is no barrier here Raven Funeral Home is non-denomnational. Through long experience in serving families of every faith, we are able to provide a complete service, at lowest prices. that is fully in keeping with the requirements of every RAVEN Funeral Home 911 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET TELEPHONE 1480 i First Methodist Church Group Has Meeting Here Members of the Vera Parks circle of the First Methodist church met Friday at the home of Mrs.

James Matthews. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. G. D. Miller and -Miss Lillian Prickett.

Miss Verta Harter gave devotions on the theme "Thy Kingdom Come." Mrs. Ray Benjamin gave a talk on United Nations. The lesson on Alaska was presented by Mrs. Robert McDonough, who resided in Alaska four years. Mrs.

Paul. Carvey, chairman, presided. Those present were Mrs: Earl Havens. Mrs. 0.

L. Thomas, Mrs. Russell Ring, Mrs. L. Clifford, Mrs.

Harold Powell, Mrs. Wes Pence, Mrs. Hazel Bonta, Mrs. L. H.

Borders, Mrs. Joyce Lutes, Mrs. W. Ice. Mrs.

Witmer, Mrs Harold Thomas, Gene Druart, Mrs. Ray Benjamin. Mrs. Paul Carvry, Mrs. McDonough, Mrs.

G. D. Miller, Miss Mary Wall and Miss Harter. Eagles Auxiliary Plans Fort Wayne Excursion Ladies of the Eagles Auxiliary met Thursday night at the hall with Mrs. Jennie Britt, president, in charge.

Mrs. Gertrude Jackson was awarded a prize and others present were Mrs. Ray Duckwall, Mrs. Ernest Shinault, Mrs. Lee- -Van Vactor.

Mrs. Willard Smith, Mrs. Griffith. Mrs. William Murphy, Gertrude Jackson, Mrs.

Loren Richardson, Mrs. Daisy Waisner, Mrs. Noggle, Mrs. Thomas, Jacobs, Robert Mrs. Crowl, James Mrs.

Dit- Dot McGriff, Mrs. Southerland, Mrs. Floyd Lanter, Mrs. Everett Owens, Mrs. Lute Stanley, Mrs.

Al-fred Fox. The Auxiliary will go to Fort bus. Those wishing have Wayne Thursday by, chartered been asked to contact Mrs. Willard Smith, phone 4044-J. by Wednesday.

FUNERAL SERVICES ARE Montpelier, Oct. services were conducted at 2 p. m. today from Walker's Chapel for Annetta Lou Cook, infant daughter of William Earl and Alice Iona Johnson Cook. Vernon Fishback was in charge of the last rites, and burial was in Woodlawn cemetery east of the city.

The baby was born at the Blackford county hospital, and was one month and nine days old when its death occurred at 10 p. m. day at the hospital. The family residence is 457 West Green street, Montpelier. Surviving besides the parents are A sister, Patricia Arlene, and a brother, Robert Eugene.

HELD FOR COOK INFANT 03 DIONNE 'QUINTS' relieve coughs- surface congestion CHEST COLDS RUB ON Think of it! Now I SEE ITI TRY ITI BUY IT! THEN YOU'LL KNOW up to 10 gallons save of water a load TODAY'S On 2 1 WOrd sundromat itself while Pays for working for youl Westinghouse AUTOMATIC WASHER with the exclusive WATER SAVER WATER SAVER that saves up to 7 10 GALLONS 1 OF WATER A LOAD' Measures Water to the Size of the Load. All You Do Is Set a Dial. INSTALLS ANYWHERE no bolting to the floor no vibration no no shake. 5 year Guarantee TRANSMISSION 1. soap.

Laundromat SAVES Important WATER- pay for savings Precious itself that bot while help water working the and ON THE for you. 2. WASHES CLEANER -Exclusive patented washing action washes gently, thoroughly. FOR PROOF- -Let Us Wash a Soiled water drains AWAY from clothes, Loud of Your Clothes FREE! not THROUGH them. Phone us and make arrangements to see 3.

ENDS WASHDAY WORK -No bending load of your clothes washed thoroughly clean or stooping. Completely automatic. Fills, the easy Laundromat way. It's FREE and washes, triple-rinsen, damp dries, cleans there's De obligation. Itoolf, shuts itself off.

Now can be if its Westinghouse BRO ELECTRIC LES 506 S. WASH. Where Appliances are not a Sidelinebut backed by 29 'years' dependable service and experience. Tune in TED MALONE: every morning; Monday through ABC Network Roxy Lefforge Group Is Feted At Home Here Roxy Lefforge circle of the First Methodist church was entertained Friday by Mrs. Willard Hiatt.

Devotions were given by Mrs. Forest Gugel and the lesson on the Panama Canal was presented by T. Arnold. Mrs. Dewey Bilbee had charge of the business session.

Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Frank Swadener, Mrs. Charles Booth, Mrs. David Nall and Mrs. Bilbee.

Mrs. Swadener presided at. the tea table. Mrs. Arthur Nye presented demonstration of a voting machine, Those attending were Mrs.

Floyd Giltner, Mrs. Mrs. Marshall Williams, Mrs. Eldon Pierce, Mrs. 0.

M. Drishell, Mrs. Swadener, Mrs. Bilbee, Mrs. Daisy Lavengood; Mrs.

C. B. Curry. Mrs. Charles Booth, Mrs.

Arnold, Mrs. M. E. Shira, Mrs. Della Spaulding, Mrs.

Earl. Biggerstaff, Mrs. David Mrs. Earl Hiatt, Mrs. Floss Bray, Louisville, Mrs.

Marvin Woodmansee, Mrs. -Vaughn E. Treber and Mrs. Willard Hiatt. Next meeting will be held Nov.

19 at the home of Mrs. Hugh Smaltz. Peconga Council To Hold Anniversary Meet Tonight Peconga Council No. 136, Degree of Pocahontas, will commemorate the. forty-eighth anniversary of the organization at a meeting at 7:30 m.

today in the Queen City hall." Program will be in charge of Mrs. Lola Erwin, Mrs. Arthur Harrell and Mrs. Paul Hillsamer. Lunch will be' served and October tainment will committee be 'of arranged which by Mrs.

the Shirley Keene and Mrs. Cora Putnam are co-chairmen. Their committee includes Mrs. Lucille Cook, Mrs. Gertrude Cole, Mrs.

Cora Kem, Mrs. Flossie Barnes, Mrs. Mable Copeland, Mrs. Katie Bogley, Mrs. Blanche Archer, Mrs.

Myrtle Bartlett, Mrs. Edith Kit: burn, Mrs. Della Bilbee, Mrs. Catherine Beals, Mrs. Lottie Brodt, Mrs.

Olive Clark, Mrs. Ferne Wolf, Mrs. Clara Stackhouse, Mrs. Lena Folk and- Mrs. Wanda Southgate.

Suits Filed SUPERIOR COURT Arthur E. Vermillion vs. Mary Conlon and Conlon, her husband et al. Quiet title. Van Atta, Batton and Harker.

CIRCUIT COURT Robert McDonald vs. Pauline Evanchik, Alex Evanchik. Services. Robert McDonald. George M.

Coon vs. Gertrude A. Ballou. Guardianship. George W.

Andrews. Court Minutes CIRCUIT COURT Anna Perry VS. Ella Sheffield, executrix of the estate of Christianna Willcuts, deceased. Contest will. Finding by agreement for the defendants that the will in question is the valid will of Christianna Willcuts.

Costs against defendants. Judgment on finding. MOTORIST FINED Fine of $5 and costs WAS 85- sessed Kenneth Nealis, 17, 3717 South Washington street, after he pleaded guilty in city court to A charge of speeding. He was arrested Saturday night by Marion poline at Twenty-first and Washington streets. HENDRICKS CARNIVAL SET The Hendricks School Parent Teacher Association will sponsor 8 carnival at the school building at 7 p.m.

Wednesday. Entertainment will be provided and concession booths will be maintained by association members. Shields Home Is Scene Of Thursday Club Meet Mrs. Maude Shields was hostess to members of the Thursday Social club at her home, 503 West, Sixth street. Mrs.

Lytle conducted the business session and Mrs. Shields read a -poem written E. C. Stump, honoring James Whitcomb Riley. The poem.

was 'entitled "If Mr. Riley Were Living Now." Contests were featured and prizes awarded Mrs. John Doty, Mrs. Charles Giltner and Mrs. Ada Garner.

Mrs. Harry Bruner, Mrs. E. Refreshments were served to Morrison, Mrs. Kenneth Lawson, Mrs.

Philip Schils, Mrs. Doty, Mrs. Giltner, Mrs. Rena Reed, Mrs. Garner and Mrs.

Lytle, members, and. Mrs. Margaret. Smith and Mrs. John guests.

Next meeting will be held Oct. 28 at the home of. Mrs. Morrison, 116 North Washington street. Gas City Gas City.

Oct. 18-The Group One of the Christian Church was entertained Thursday at the home of Mrs. C. C. Catterson.

She was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. Francis Bournique. 'The general meeting of the councils will be held Thursday night the church and moving pictures on the work will be given. The devotionals were given by Mrs. Francis Bournique and the lesson by Mrs.

Fred Gore. The name of the group will be the Dorcas group. The hostesses served refreshments to Rev. and Mrs. Gray, Mrs.

Bessie Brown, Mrs. Lee Mrs. Prong, Ernest Brown, Mrs. Louis Schmidt. Mrs.

Russell McKinney, Mrs. Nelson Hayes, Mrs. Ezra Graham, Mrs. Isaac Harter, D. B.

Simpkins, Mrs. H. B. Mock, Mrs. John Turner, Mrs.

Brindle, two guests Mrs. Free Nelson and Mrs. Ockerman and children Irene Bournique and Elaine Turner. The Beta Latriean club will be entertained tonight at the home of Miss Evelyn Kensler with the program in charge of Mrs. Robert Kammer.

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Catterson had as their dinner guest Thursday his niece, Mrs.

Herman Stocker, Westfield. Mr. and Mrs. Holtzheimer and family have moved East North street to Fairmount whe: they have purchased property. Mrs.

Anna Lanning has received word that her son Russell has arrived safely in Okinawa. He traveled from Spokane to Hawaii and from there to Guam and on to Okinawa. Mrs. Luke Wagoner and R. G.

Smith of Vaparaiso several days last week at Spring Mill state park, they returned to Gas City Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alpha Barrett spent the weekend in South Bend with relatives. Mrs.

Carrie Woodward spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. We wash with IVORY SOAP DAMP DRY WASH 16 LBS. ONLY 6c LB. MIN.

$1.00 Brown-Trueblood, Inc. Launderer and Dry Cleaners 3 Wednesday STORE FASHION Features Wednesday Morning Only 9 A. M. to 12 NOON On The Main Floor 2 Large Tables ODDS and ENDS the family. Come early.

Many useful items Values for to 1.47 every member of BUY WITH CREDIT COUPONS HILL'S Main Floor Reg. 49c Sizes 1-2-3 TRAINING PANTS Cotton Knits 3 pairs 1.00 Band front elastic back. Double knit crotch. A real value. BUY WITH CREDIT COUPONS HILL'S Second Floor "World 0' Youth" 1.

A Limited Quantity 39 Inch DRESS RAYONS TO VALUES 1.19 2 yds. 1.00 Plains and prints. 'Good colors. Taken from our better groups. WITH CREDIT COUPONS HILL'S FASHION STORE YOUR HEY MOM! Up In HILL'S BABY SHOP "World O' Youth" They Have Just 4 what I need 40 Economy Pc.

LAYETTE A Complete Outfit Worth $15 Only $12 24 Diapers Crib Blanket 3 Shirts Sweater 2 Gowns Card Safety Pins 2 Kimonas 1 Johnson's 2 Binders Powder Dress or Johnson's Oil Romper 1 Pkg. Q-Tips OTHER COMPLETE LAYETTES. Priced Up To $30. -Everything You Need For BABY'S ARRIVAL HILL'S Baby Shop Second Floor KNIT ROMPERS 1.19 to 1.98' DOWN Sizes 0 White-Maise to 3 in. is all you need to buy Everything for the baby.

Blue. it's Layette furniture baby cab, or you can use CREDIT COUPONS INFANT'S Only Down On Any Size BookGOWNS Ask Clerk For Details 2 FOR $1 Richards of 'near Itaine. Fred Gore, of Waco, has been spending a few days here. with parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Gore, and other relatives and friends. A. F. Brelsford, has been spending a couple of months here wtih relatives, returned to his home in Montana Thursday. He was cAlled here by the illness and death of his sister.

Mrs. Heath of Fort. and Wayne. Mrs. Myron Wood and daughter, resided at 107 East street, have moved to the Shawley.

apartment in Marion. They rented their home to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chapman and family. The Firemen's Auxiliary will be the home of Mrs.

Charles Ruther- at entertained. Wednesday night ford, with Mrs. Macy Young assistant hostess. The entertainment to be in charge of Mrs. Karl Bastain.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Blinn, R. R. 6, are the parents of a daughter born Tuesday at Marion General Hospital.

The. child weighed. eight pounds: and 13 ounces and has been named Donna Elaine. Mrs. Blinn was formerly Martha Dragsrem, daughter of Mrs.

Ruth Dragstrem. THEFT REPORTED Marion police last night received a report of the theft of a pair of (lineman's gloves and 8 socket wrench. The theft was reported by G. L. Clark, R.

R. 2, La Fontaine. He said the items were taken from his car while it was parked near the bus depot. How Dr. Edwards Helps Folks! For, patients years bothered Dr.

Edwards relieved with his famous Dr. by constipation Olive Olive Tablets Tablets -now sold by all drugstores. oh-80 are mild, gentle but thorough! Olive Tablets act on BOTH upper and lower bowels to produce more natural like movements. satisfaction. No griping.

Just complete Buy today! Investiture Services a Held By Brownies Here Brownie Troop No. 16 held investiture 'services for eight new members Wednesday at Charles park, Invested were Lynn, Delpha Sue O'Neil, Carol Wilson, Judith Gregory, Phyllis Boles, Janet Seaward and Judy and Gotschall. Mrs. Callie -Johnson and: Mrs. Blanche Harris, leaders, conducted the meeting.

Brownies present October 19, 1948 were Marsha Hewitt, Bertha Tegarden, Eileen Ezra, -Patricia Harris, Judy Norwood, Barbara Johnson, Louise McDowell, Sue Reed, Judy Ferguson, Wiesman, Martha Carey, Shirley Stamps and Nancy Adams: Guests attending were Dixie Stevens, Mary Jane O'Neil Judy Joyce Lynn, Callen Johnson and the troop committee, Mrs. Jean Lynn, Mrs. Madonna O'Neil and Mrs. Mary Ferguson. Full grown gray.

male kanga-. roos can leap- from 10 to 20. feet. Wednesday Morning STORE SPECIAL YOUR HOME FURNISHINGS 9 to 12 Noon Only THIS AD AND 58 entitles you to One Pint, C. Original Linoleum Lacquer a 49c THIS AD 3 AND I 1.

78 J. entitles you to One Quart Original Linoleum Lacquer an Value. Adds new life to your linoleum. BRING THIS AD WITH YOU TO RECIEVE THIS GREAT OFFER. HILL'S Home Furnishings Store Flanellette or Knit.

Values to 89c. INFANT'S SHIRTS. 3 FOR $1 Short sleeve. Tie sides. Fine comed Tarns.

Genuine "HAWKEYE" Carrying BASKETS PEPPERELL Ivory Strong, with sturdy Pink or handles. Blue Trim- 2.98 BLANKETS LINING and PAD 1.79 Quilted Vitolen lining with 3.98 36x50 size. Pink or Blue matching pad. Pastel Pink. or Nursery Patterns.

Blue. Satin F. 1 1.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.