Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

Marion, Indiana, Chronicle Nov. 3, 1964 34 School Consolidation By DALE BURGESS INDIANAPOLIS (AP) Only of Indiana's 1,009 township trustees are still in full charge of school corporations. That number will be reduced today in voting on 34. school district consolidations. Today's school reorganization balloting will round out a five year period in which the state's number of school corporations was reduced from 969 to 507.

That's the period in which the Waltz Home Club SOMERSET A business and social meeting of Waltz Township. Home Demonstration Club was held at the home of Mrs. Muriel Lindsey. Devotions were given by Mrs. Ray McDonald.

A history of the song of the month, "Steal Away, was given by Mrs. Annette. Johnson. Mrs. Lloyd Miller played the piano: SOMERSET PERSONALS Mr.

and Mrs. J. G. Mexico, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs.

Raymond Wise, and Mr. and Mrs. John Wise. Paul Weimer, Princeton, N.J., visited Agnes Kessler and Chauncy Kessler. Robert Albaugh, Fort Wayne, was a guest of his mother, Mrs.

Carl Albaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Minnick visited friends in Brown County. Mr.

and Mrs. Edgar Fisher, Moses Lake, Washington, were ler" played the piano. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hood.

Mrs. Robert Milliner, Wabash, was a dinner guest of Mrs. Ar. thur Morris. Scott Sutton, Carmel, was a night guest of: Greg Finch.

Patty and Susanne, Sutton were dinner, guests of Greg Sutton. Mark Sutton, Carmel, spent Saturday night with with his aunt, Patty, Shaw. Dinner guests of Mrs. Arthur Morris were Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Milliner, Wabash. Guests of Mrs. Marie Huffman were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton and.

family, Carmel. Becky Sutton, who is attending Southwood High School, spent A few days with her parents in Carmel. Voice Of America To Air Election WASHINGTON (AP) The Voice of America will broadcast election returns to the Far East tonight and Wednesday via the 'Syncom I communications sat: ellite. The broadcast will start at 8 p.m. EST and last for eight hours.

Relays I and 1I, medium orbit communications satellites, are being used throughout this week to televise coverage of the election abroad. SENTIMENTAL CLOCK LONDON (UPI) Orchestra leader Eric. Robinson has appealed to burglars to return his guitar-shaped alarm clock that plays "The Blue Danube Waltz" because of its sentimental val. ue. State, Reorganization mission has existed.

The township has become too small a unit for school purposes, except heavily populatareas, and some have overlapped county lines. Eleven Indiana counties have one school apiece Jay, Union, Ohio, Switzerland, Jennings, Floyd, Brown, Warrick, Vanderburgh, Vigo and Benton. Five others Crawford, rison, Clark, Pike and Jefferson are voting countywide school corporations today, Counties where consolidations are up. for vote: Boone Western B.o one Community (Thorntown and Jackson, Jefferson, Harris s.o Sugar Creek, Washington and Clinton townships). Clark Clark County.

School Corporation (entire county). Franklin See Ripley Grant. Oak, Hill and Sims townships and parts of Pleasant and Franklin townships, Grant County, and Jackson township of Miami County); Community (Marion, Center. Township, parts of Franklin and Pleasant townships); Eastbrook Community (Jefferson, Monroe Van Buren and part of A Washington townships); Madison-Grant United (Van Buren, Boone and part of Dick Creek townships, Madison Negroes Planning Massive School Boycott To Protest Alabama Vote By United Press International Negroes planned a massive school: boycott in Alabama- today. to protest alleged voter discrimination and the absence of President Johnson's name from Alabama ballots.

Negro school children in at least seven Alabama cities and towns" were expected to shun classes. Hundreds Is of Negro children began the protest: Monday with boycotts at and Tuscaloosa "and a A demonstration at Montgomery, The demonstrators appeared on sidewalks outside the Capitol in Montgomery and police arrested 26. of them when they refused to disperse. They were charged with parading without a permit. Many of the youthful Negroes carried signs calling for 'the right to be free." of Mobile said boycott toNegro leader Daniel, Harrell day was to protest the cannot vote for President Johnson and the rigid voter regis-000 tration rules against Negroes in Alabama." President Johnson's not on the Alabama ballot because' a group of electors pledged to him was defeatled by unpledged electors Democratic primary.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said in Atlanta Monday that he "will begin working almost imafter the election on plans fortnew racial demonstrations in the nation. "As long as the problem of racial injustice exists, there will be. King said.

"There will probably have to be. massive demonstrations to insure 1 the right vote in Alabama and Mississippi," He said the North also will see demonstrations for equal opportunities in jobs and housing. Elsewhere: The Free dom Democratic. Party" report- Today In Washington WASHINGTON (AP) Al State Department okesmanjous denied Monday that the United States the Soviet Union have to negotiations' over the Soviet Union's refusal to pay United Nations peacekeeping assessments. But press officer Robert J.

Mc-1 Closkey said the United States! is willing to listen to any suggestions the Soviets may have on the matter. U.S. officials are preparing for a fight in the United Nations whether, the Soviet Union should be denied its yote in the General Assembly under a A provision tin the U. N. which says countries more than.

two years behind in should lose their assembly votes. McCloskey said the not between the United States and. the Soviet Union but rather between a few. countries which do not pay assessments for. U.N.

peacekeeping operations and the majority who do. WASHINGTON (AP) The Federal Aviation Agency has signed an agreement for increased cooperation in air. safety, efforts with the six-nation European Organization for the Safety of. Air Navigation EUROCONTROL. EUROCONTROL has head.

quarters at Brussels, and consists of representatives from the United Kingdom, France, West Germany, Belgium, the Nether lands and Luxembourg. WASHINGTON (AP) Air Force Brig. Gen. David M. Jones, a participant in the famWorld War IL Doolittle raid on Japan, has been selected to help iron out in the Gemini and Apollo space programs and to work on plans for advanced manned missions tin space.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration said Jones would take office Dec. 15 as a deputy associate administrator for manned space flight. He. is now deputy chief of staff for systems, of the Air Force Systems Command at Andrews Air Force Base, Md. NO LEAF FIRES FORT WAYNE, Ind.

(AP)Faced with severe drought and more than a score of recent leaf and. brush fires, Fort Wayne officials are, enforcing an old regulation banning butdoor trash and leaf fires. The 114 of an inch of rain recorded in October was the lowest in Fort Wayne's history. JOB PLACING UP INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Nearly 86,000 persons were placed in non-farm jobs the first nine months of 1964, or 6,600 above the same period last year, the state employment agency said Monday. More than 3,900 farm workers were pladed in fulltime jobs, and, thousands of season agricultural workers in groups or crews, BUY, SELL THE CLASSIFIED WAY Hotnew Dodge at a new lower price.

Coronet '65-the best-selling new car in Dodge history. And why not? Coronet.comes on big in all departments. Inside, fullsize room and comfort. Up front; a choice of seven engines ranging to 426 cubic inches. On the rear window stickers, prices that begin lots lower than those of any full-size: Dodges in years.

Everywhere, more fun. In the Coronet 500 shown, for example, bucket seats, console. carpeting. all- -vinyl interiors, padded dash and V8 engine are, standard. And clean, eye -catching beauty? That's Coronet all over.

Who says you can't please all of the people? Coronet's sure going to give it a try. Drive one: soon. 1965 DODGE DIVISION CHRYSLER MOTORS CORPORATION '65 Dodge Coronet HIATT'S AUTO SALES 218 E. Washington St. Fairmount, Ind.

WATCH "THE BOB HOPE SHOW NBC- TV. CHECK YOUR LOCAL LISTING. Plans Are On State County, and Fairmount and Green, Liberty and. Fairmount townships, Grant County). Jackson Seymour Community (Seymour and Hamilton, Jackson, Redding and' Washington townships); Browns to Community (Brownstown, Medora, and Carr, Driftwood, Grassy Fork, Owen, Pershing, Brownstown and Salt Creek townships).

Jasper Kankakee Valley (Wheatfield, Kankakee, Walker and part of Union townships). Jefferson Jefferson. County School Corporation (entire Johnson Greenwood Community (Greenwood and part, of Pleasant Township); ClarkPleasant Community (Clark Township and part of Pleasant Township). Lake Central Lake (Schererville and Point John Township); Crown School Corp. (three townships of same names); South Lake (Cedar Creek, Eagle Creek, West Creek and Hanover townships).

La Porte Michigan City Area (Michigan City; Beverly Queen Says Britain Will Nationalize Industry LONDON (AP) Queen Elizabeth II told Parliament today that Prime Minister Harold Wilson's new Labor government will renationalize Britain's steel industry, restore rent. controls and open the way for the abolition of capital punishment. The formally opened the Parliament, elected Oct. 18 with the first speech from the throne written for her by Wilson and his Cabinet. The speech outlined the government's leg: islative program.

In international affairs the queen promised the government's support of United Nations and the North Atlantic, alliances and other collective defense organizations to which Britain belongs. She said the government would attempt to reduce East-West tensions and "to encourage further progress toward disarmament." The queen delivered her speech from the throne in. the House of Lords after driving through London in a coach accompanied by. al glittering cavalry. escort.

Members of the House of Commons; summoned with great. ceremony, stood around the edges of the chamber. as the queen spoke. In. a key, passage.

she said: "My. government initiate early action to re establish the necessary public ownership of the iron and steel industry." This -policy is expected to touch off a major parliamentary battle. Wilson's government has only a five-vote majority in Commons. Siri Alec Douglas-Home's Conservatives, and the small Liberal party oppose nationalization of the steel industry. Clement Attlee's Labor.

government took the steel industry under state control in 1951 after nationalizing, the coal, industries, gas and the railways, the airlines and the Bank: of England. 1 Other nationalization -measures of the Attlee regime continue in force, but the steel industry went, back into private Ballots Shores, Long Beech and Pine, Michigan, Cool Springs and Springfield townships); Marquette Community 5 (ClintonHanna Noble School 1. Corporation New Durham, Cass, Dewey and Prairie townships). Lawrence North Lawrence (Bedford and Perry, Marshall, Pleasant Run, Indiana Creek and Guthrie townships). Marion Franklin Township Community (all' of Franklin Townships).

9 Miami-See Grant. Pulaski Eastern Pulaski (Winamac and Tippecanoe, Franklin, Monroe, Harrison, Indiana Creek, Van Buren and part of Beaver and Jefferson townships.) Ripley West Ripley (JacCen-Del School Corporation Otter Creek and part of Laughtownships); Batesville Com(Oldenburg and Ray Township, Franklin County, and Batesville and part of Laughery Township, Ripley County); Mi- lan Community (Milan and Franklin and Washington townships). Shelby Shelby Eastern (Hanover, Van Buren, Union, Liberty and Noble townships and east half of Shelby Township); Shelbyville Central (Shelbyville, Marion and Madison townships, west half of Shelby Township); Northwestern Consolidated (Sugar Creek, Brandywine and Moral townships; Southwestern consolidated (Hendricks, Jackson and Washington townships) Whitley Whitley Commun: ity. (Columbia City and EtnaTroy, Columbia, Thorncreek, Jefferson, Union and Washington townships). Consolidation plans, being resubmitted: Gibson East Gibson (Oakland City and Barton, Center and Columbia townships).

00 Crawford Crawford County School Corporation (entire county)! and Elkhart Elkhart ity (Elkhart and Cleveland, Osolo and Washington townships). Harrison Harrison County School Corporation (entire county). Lake Community (Eminence and Gregg and Monroe townships). Pike Pike County School Corporation (entire county). Five new school corporations will be created by stipulation; with no voting repuired.

are: Mississinewa Community in Grant County, Ross in Lake, Mitchell Community min Lawrence, Alexandria Community. in Madison and Tipton Community in Tipton County! ed Monday night more than Negroes participating in mock. election gave all but a "handful" of their votes to President Johnson. Atlanta: State 4-H leader Tommy L. Walton Monday labeled as untrue reports that Georgia had been chosen to lead in the integration of the 4-H Club program.

NERVE DEAFNESS CAN You Can Say, "I Can Hear But I Can't Sendi For: This Valuable Free Brochure, "The Truth About Nerve Deafness." Write P.O. Box 2012 Ft. Wayne, Indiana hands after; the Conservative party won the 1951 election. The queen said the Wilson government will "restore control of rents" and added. "They will establish as rapidly as possible a crown lands commission with wide powers to acquire land for the community.

This, measure, Labor ministers have said, is designed to check land speculation and to put land to the best use. A parliamentary fight is expected on that also. BUY, SELL TRADE THE CLASSIFIED WAY 1214 SPENCER AVE. PHONE NO 2-8756 EVERY WHEN THE NEED ARISES It is wise to call Shawley's first. They are experienced at handling funeral arrangements in distant, cities and are affiliated with funeral directors.

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Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.