Tunbridge Wells Courier from Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England (2024)

THE COURIER. JANUARY 5 1934 SALE BARGAINS YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AT WICKHAMS IS IRRESISTIBLE VALUES. HOUSEHOLD DRAPERY GLOVES PILLOW Plain-Housewife CASES, and Hem- Lined Fabric stitched, for, each Suede, Lined Wool, TOWELS! White and Coloured and Bath Size. Towels. Nappa, Lined Wool, Super for, Quality each WHITE SHEETS.

MILLINERY Plain or H.S., Full Double Bed Size. for, pair Semi-trimmed Fellts for DRESSES SILKS Real Velour Hats. for All DRESS CLOTHS. wide. Velvet Smart Caps 54in.

20 for good colours. for Velvet Matrons' Hats RICH CREPE- DE- CHINES. for 30 lovely designs. All Silk Odd 66 to for, yd Sample Felts. for VELOUR COATING.

All Colours. All Wool. 54in. wide. Worth for, yd.

FASHION HOSIERY sizes Sand Crepe Frocks, small only. Brettles Silkestia "Seconds" All Wool Jumpers, for Cashmere Hose, Black and Colours for Tweed and Plain Skirts for Silk Hose, worth Fur Trimmed Coats, for Oddments in Pure Silk Hose greatly Plain Tweed Coats, reduced. to clear Wool Cardigan Suits, UNDERCLOTHING for Wool Frocks, all shades All Wool Knickers, O.S, for for Wool Jumper Suits, all Winceyette Pyjamas. Striped, shades. for Coat shape.

for All Wool Combs. for OVERALLS Dainty Silk Dressing Gown. Long sleeves to Various colours. for Discontinued Nos. in Corsets.

Half Sleeveless to Price, all sizes. REMNANTS HALF PRICE TO-MORROW. WICKHAM'S (Mount Pleasant) Ltd. TUNBRIDGE WELLS. Prepaid Charges for CLASSIFIED ADVERTIsem*nTS ONE PER INSERTION 14D.

WORD (Minimum Or Three consecutive insertions inclusive charge (Minimum of 4d. per lonword The Circulation of the "Courier is at least Six Times Greater Than That a of Any Other Newspaper Printed in Tunbridge Wells. All Classified Advertisem*nts appear in the Rent Sussex Courier Sebenoaks Chronicle Circulating from the Environs of London to the South Coast so securing to adver. tisers the widest possible publicity for their announcements. Head Office- GREAT HALL BUILDINGS, TUNBRIDGE WELLS.

Tel. 2100 (3 lines) Branch OfficesTONBRIDGE-78, High Street. Tel. 200 EAST GRINSTEAD-56-58, London Rd. Tel.

252 SEVENOAKS-54, High Street. Tel. 44 CRAWLEY-Cape Gill. Tel. 404 HAWKHURST -The Colonnade.

Tel. 35 London OfficeLudgate Chambers, Ludgate HIll, E.C.4. Telephone City 4:03. Advertisem*nts received before THURSDAY to ensure Classification. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS VACANT.

HARVEY (late Cummins). Tele. 1291, for Reliable Maids. -Central Registry. 8.

Mount Sinn Tunbridge Wells. tc REGISTRY OFFICE for Reliable Maids, 11. London-road. Tonbridge. 'Phone 553.

GENTLEWOMAN as Companion Help Required; fond of children; light household duties. -Box T.894. Courier Office, Tonbridge. T.894 WANTED, all duties; plain cooking: gardener for boots and coals; family two. -Box 382, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells.

382 ELIZABETH Wants COOKS, Parlourmaids, Housemaids, CookGenerals, Generals, Kitchenmaids and Betweenmaids. Elizabeth has some excellent poste vacant which she can personally recommend, but must be superior maids with good references. APPLY 95, ST. JOHN'S HILL, SEVENOAKS. ELIZABETH has very good I jobs for Cooks, with St.

John's Hill, Sevenoaks. GENERAL MAID Wanted in Rusthall, January 12th all duties but washing; two ladies. -Box R.412, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 412 PARLOURMAID. experienced, required; also smart House Lady Collins, Phillipines, Brasted Chart.

WANTED at soon as possible. 2nd Dining Hall Maid for high-class girls' school. -Apply Matron. West Heath School, Sevenoaks. C.256 GENERAL Wanted, end of -Mrs.

Anthony, Old Vicarage, High-street, Sevenoaks. C.263 GOOD GENERAL, clean, capable; good references; plain cooking: two in family; wages £52. -Fairways, Oak Hill-road, Sevenoaks. C.261 COOK-GENERAL Wanted soon as possible; small modern labour saving house; every convenience; good outings and after December 30th, Mrs. Vere Turk, Bredon, Burnt Wood-road, Sevenoaks.

C.262 YOUNG HOUSEMAID Wanted, aged about 17, for private side of school house. to train under -Apply for full particulars to the Secretary, Sevenoaks School. WANTED, Gentlewoman, aged between 50 and 58, to run small house for one lady; calary according to assistance 594. Courier Office. Tunbridge Wells.

594 GENERAL HELP, about 20: sleep Napier Mansions, Mount Ephraim-road, Tunbridge Wells. 603 WANTED for Southborough, daily, good General; excellent R.611, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 611 EXPERIENCED Daily Maid; wages prirate house. -Box 615, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 615 DENE'S AGENCY, 31, CRESCENT ROAD, TUNBRIDGE WELLS, for Ladies requiring superior servants and servants wanting good or write.

617 COOK-GENERAL, Monday till 24th. near Staines; one gentleman; staff two; small coal range; help with 5, Upper Grosvenor-road, Tunbridge Wells. 602 DAILY HELP Required, where one sleeping-in maid kept; house-boy one hour daily and Saturday before 11.0 or 7.0-8.0, 11, Lansdowne-road, Tunbridge Wells. 590 COOK with good personal reference for Rolvenden; parlourmaid, housemaid R. Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells, 183b Both Buyers and Sellers will find it Profitable to study these CLASSIFIED ADVERTIsem*nTS per word (Minimum 12 words) CALVERLEY SERVANTS' AGENCY, 43, 1 Mount Pleasant, Tunbridge Wells, 'Phone Nurse for baby from the month.

Experienced Parlour and Housemaid, Hayes Common, near Bromley. House-Parlourmaid, London; excellent post. Lady's Useful Maid, London dat; £52. Cook-General and House-Parlourmaid, Hildenborough, on main road. House-Parlourmaid, Goudnurst; five kept; two family; present maid years.

House-Parlourmaid, under a butler. Single-handed Housemaid, Mrs. Granam, above Agency. 623 MOTHER'S HELP, light house duties, needlework; boy five; maid Kept; age 5103, about after 5 p.m., Mrs. Fryer, Upper Grosvenor-road, Tunbridge Wells.

556 WANTED, Kitchenmaid and Betweenmaid.25, Frant-road, Tunbridge Wells. 522 WANTED, young, energeuc Girl as Maid; experience not essential; live in; Southborough.Box R.521, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 521 GENERAL MAID, experienced, Wanted; three in family; nelp given; not under 30 years; good aster 5 p.m., 21, Blatchingtonroad, Tundridge Wells. 534 Wanted, Cook-General; age 35, for one R.519, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 519 WANTED, House-Parlourmaid kept; good wages and every modern convenience; good cooxing between 10 and 11 a.m., or after 6 p.m., to Mrs.

Davies, Oak Lodge, Bayhall-road, Tunbridge Wells. 552 WANTED, Young General; sleep 149, St. John's-road, Tunbriage Wells. 537 SUPERIOR Daily General Maid required; experienced all. duties; personal Blatchington-road, Tundridge Wells.

WANTED, experienced Helps, male and female. -Apply Russell Hotel, 'Lunbridge Wells. WANTED, good, strong General Servant; must have good Riekie, Highstreet, Hartneld. WANTED, capable Daily General Maid; no cooking; ground floor kitchen; good references 17, Lansdowne-road, Tunbridge Wells. 641 GENERAL, good plain cooking; no scrubbing or late dinners; good wages, good outings; on 'bus Peterson, Coopers Farm, Stonegate, Ticehurst.

636 GENERAL, housemaid and Cook-General; good Grosvenor Restaurant 45, Grosvenor-road, Tunbridge Wells, 640 WANTED, an experienced to Mrs. Pearch, 65, Claremont-road, Tunbridge Wells. GOOD Mother's Help Wanted; able to do plain cooking; live as family; good Hills, High-street, Pembury. H.11 DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. GOOD PLAIN COOK seeks temporary post; wages 22s.

6d. weekly; free end of January.Write Box 255, Chronicle Office, Sevenoaks. C.255 AS NURSE ATTENDANT TE to invalid lady or gentleman; good 614, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 614 SITUATION Required; good plain cooking; kept; personal reference; middle-aged; 604, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 604 SUPERIOR Person, not young, as Useful Help to lady; experienced, pleasing personality, fond of old people, excellent 504, Courier Ofice, Tunbridge 504 GOOD HOME in return for service; to suit person with pension.

-Write Wiles, Rotherfeld, Sussex. 498 ADVERTISER wants Daily Work as General; good reference; Bedford Terrace, 'Tunbridge Wells. 568 SUPERIOR Young Lady, 22, domesticated, Help, daily or otherwise; willing; excellent -Box R.574, Courier office, Tunbridge Wells. 574 CAPABLE Widow requires post as Working Housekeeper to working or business R.578, Courier Office, runbridge Wells. 578 GENTLEWOMAN, young, would pay 10s.

weekly and assist in house for comtortable home, preferably with young people; fond of games and outdoor 593, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 593 DAILY Housework, Cooking, or care of child; aged 30; good Cromwell-road, Tunbridge Wells. 631 COOK-HOUSEKEEPER seeks post, elderly couple, where kitchenmaid kept, or help for -Box R.482, Courier Ottice, Tuppridge Wells. 482 WANTING Daily Work three or four days week; housework or cooking; 523, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 523 YOUNG Person requires daily post; good 547, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells.

547 SITUATIONS VACANT. ACTIVE Representative required established Office as Write Box L.583, Kent and Sussex Courier, 30-2, Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. L.583 KLEEN-E-ZE BRUSH Sales Staff 1,150, offers progressive opportunity to ambitious men: training given; ye car an advantage. Apply, or write. Monday, 6-7 p.m.

Areas vacant, Crowborough, Cranbrook, Mayfield, Paddock Wood. Manager, 83, High-street, Tunbridge Wells. K.13 BRICKLAYERS and TILERS (piece-work) required; labour 7, East-street, Tonbridge. T.920 GARDENER, Single-handed; thoroughly experienced, all round; long personal reference; R. Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells.

T.22 ENERGETIC AND AMBITIOUS MAN required to sell well-known British product in Kent; permanent position and good money. Very unusual opportunity to clean-cut man; inexperienced applicant will be considered. Good appearance and education S. C. Hadlow, Candali, Breedon Avenue, Southborough.

183b WANTED, in Tunbridge Wells, Lady Assistant as First Hand, Bakers and Confectioners; capable, trustworthy, disciplinarian; good stating experience, Box Discipline," Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. GREAT OPPORTUNITY to men of integrity, good appearance and ambition, to work in Kent; splendid income assured to men of required type from commencement. thorough training given; previous experience unnecessary; 2,000 men are making good, why not you? -Write for interview, Hoover, 82a, Sandgate-road, Folkestone. 183b EXPERIENCED Motor Fitter Required; state age and R. Fitter," Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells.

YOUNG Lady Clerk Required for Shorthand, Typing and Book-keeping in Tunbridge Wells; quick and accurate at with full particulars, to Box R. Accurate," Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. CHARTERED Accountants require Junior Audit stating age, experience, and salary required, to Box T.907, Courier Office. Tonbridge. T.907 GENT'S Apprentice; boy leaving school.

-Reeves, 14, Mount Sion, Tunbridge Wells. 491 YOUNG LADY Assistant required for grocery counter; previous experience not essential; International Stores, High-street, East Grinstead. E.G.652 WHAT ARE YOUR PROSPECTS IN you want to improve your position and make a career for yourself? Travel and see the world free. Any smart man of good character, between 18 and 25 years of age, physically and educationally up to the standard, may now be accepted for enlistment into His Majesty's Army. Most Regiments are open for recruits.

Your County Regiment will welcome you. Get the booklet 66 The Army of To-day from any Post Office, or call at any Territorial Army Drill Hall or Army Recruiting Office, and full particulars will be given you, DRIVER-MECHANIC for Ford wages £2 per week; state Box 558, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 558 BETTERWEAR PRODUCTS, require few hard-working men to train as salesmen; districts, Uckfield, East Grinstead, Sevenoaks; insurable and permanent positions for workers, and promotion prospects with testimonials, or write Branch Manager (4 to 6 p.m.), V. Southern, The Bungalow, Palesgate, Steel Cross, Crowborough. 562 REQUIRED, Man for tree pruning, about two months' Stone Court, Pembury.

561 WANTED, smart Lad, aged 16 years. Cadera Cafes, 26, Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells. 570 A RELIABLE MAN, now living in this ares. is required as outdoor representative. Salary of £3 10s.

and commission, if successful during two weeks' trial on high rate of commission. Applications only considered from men of 23, now disengaged. Experience immaterial. stating past occupation, to Box R. Reliable," Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells.

YOUNG LADY Apprentice required for Silk and Fancy Departments; must be well personally, Dust and Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells. THE SPIRELLA CO. has vacancy for lady to be trained free as resident (professional) corsetiere in Sevenoaks and Tonbridge districts. Those capable of making small cash outlay (subject to conditional refund arrangement) should write for 268, Chronicle Office, Sevenoaks. C.268 SMART Young Man required immediately to take charge of yard; experienced in dairy duties.

-Apply Aplin's, 15, Crescent-road, Tunbridge Wells. A BARMAN-HANDYMAN and Wife are required to live in at a small country hotel near Tunbridge Wells. Box R.628, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 628 YOUNG Lady just left school for Wool and Library Department- -Kale, Crawley, WANTED TO PURCHASE. WARDROBE -Being the Largest Dealers in the District we Highest Prices for Ladies'.

Gent's and Children's Wearing card ensures personal call. -The Tunbridge Wells Wardrobe Depot (Mrs. Woodward), 70 and 72. Camden-road Tunbridge Wells. "'Phone 1757.) BOOKS PURCHASED.

Libraries or smaller lots. List or appointment to view free of charge. (Advertiser in Courier over 12 vears.I C. F. CORKE 1d.

SOUTH PARK SEVENOAKS. WANTED. all kinds of Secondhand Furniture Carpets. Oddments. etc Fair prices given.L.

Jarrett and Son, 118. Camden-road. Tunbridge Wells. te LADIES and Gents wishing to dispose of Leftoff Clothing. please send postcard (for call) to Miss Lvford 33.

Quarry-road. personal Wells. Established 35 vears. Tunbridge Furniture WANTED. unusual and interesting pieces of rare old china over 90 vears glass.

old. in any condition: and old needlework. and antiques of all descriptions. -F. Dawson Jarrett.

15. High-street. Tonbridge. BOOKCASE and Knee-hole Desk Wanted. large sizes, Walnut or to Pox 347.

Courier Office. Tunbridge Wells. 347 100 PAIRS BOOTS SHOES Wanted per week; every size and or write to Hewett, 23, Victoria road, Tunbridre Wells. 463 WANTED. Old Roofing Tiles, up to 20,000: Rotherfield 64.

500 WANTED, Portable Receiver Case and Frame Ariel: full particulars pnd T.923. Courier Office. Tonbridge. T.923 WANTED. light Trailer Chassis, suitable for Austin Trailer," Courier Office.

Tunbridge Wells. P.18 WANTED. Haystack for Cash. 12-15 tons: also one-horse Sussex Dundale. Pembury.

T.914 SMALL Electric Lighting Plant Wanted, 3. 4 or 5 B.H.P., complete with and Prices, G. and A. J. Cross.

Wells. Electrical Engineers, 14, High-street, Tunbridge LADIES end GENTLEMEN wishing to dispose of Left-off Clothing. Furniture. send postcard to Mrs. Beenev.

1. Golding-street. Tunbridge Wells. Best prices given. 639 HORSE or Tractor Hon Powdering Machine.

Box Courier Office, Wells. WANTED. Singer Sewing Machine, Treadle. Meadowside, Pembury. 'Phone Pembury 50.

C52 GARDENING. A BEAUTIFUL Old-world Garden effect from CRAZY PAVING. WALLING and ROCKERY BIRD BATHS. SUNDIALS. VASES hewn from solid Rough-Grey Natural Stone.

from 25s De livered from quarries direct to vour home CRAZY PAVING from 3s. 9d. per so. vd. -F Warren and Co.

Coal Merchants. Tubs Hill Sevenonks Telephone 705 TURF FOR SALE: specially prepared turf for tennis, croquet and cricket grounds. We undertake the formation of these grounds by expert men. Special quotations for large quantities. Adams' Nurseries, 21, Grosvenorroad.

Tunbridge Wells. PEAT LOAM for rhododendrons, any ruantity; delivered and despatched all over England. -The Universal Peat Company, Tunbridge Wells. FOR SALE. good Turfs: delivered anywhere in Tunbridge Wells and Tonbridge districts.

20s. per 100. Also Top Spit. Bidborough Ridge. 5s.

per load on site. can be arranged.Apply Lewis Thorne. Builder. Southborough, tc TURF Specially Prepared for Lawns. 3ft.

17s. 6d. 100: free delivery. -Whittaker. Marden-road.

Staplehurst. 413 GOOD MOULD for Sale: collected or delivered: cheap. -A, J. Parker, Builder, Southborough. tc Births.

Marriages, Deaths. In Memoriam Notices and Return of Thanks. An. nouncements under these headings are charged for at the rate of per word (minimum 2s. 6d.) Birtbs.

Marriages, Deaths. BIRTHS. gift of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. 1 Leslie Fleming (nee Roonie Sawyer), "Two Knowles," Barrow Greenroad, Oxted." January 3rd at the Tonbridge Nursing Home to Elsie, wife of James A.

Iggulden, of Hadlow-road, Tonbridge- a son. -On December 27th. 1933, to Betty (nee Robson), wife of N. Hadden Leighton, of 31, Bradbourne Park Sevenoaks-a daughter. PRIOR 30th, 7, to Lime Edna Hill-road, (nee on Sallis) Decem- and Prior--the gift of a son, Sydney Phillip.

ENGAGEMENTS. THE ENGAGEMENT is announced between Charles William Cross (Police Royal Artillery) Portsmouth, and Doris Kathleen Weeks, only daughter of Mr. and the late Mrs. K. Weeks, of Wadhurst.

THE ENGAGEMENT is announced between Doris May, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Arthur, Springfield-road, St. Heliers, Jersey, C.I., and Frederick.

only son of Mr. and the late Mrs. F. Tickner, Sunnyside, Commercial-road, Paddock Wood. MARRIAGE.

WHITEHEAD WhiteHuddersfield, to Violet Dorothy Maynard Tunbridge Wells. Present address: 19, Dudley-road, Tunbridge Wells. DEATHS. December 31st, 1933, at 61, Goods Station-road, Tunbridge Wells, George Harvey Delves, age 58 years. Key, late of 2, Linden Park, died January 2nd.

Funeral Tunbridge Wells Cemetery, Friday 2.30 p.m, December 28th, 1933, at 9, Somerset Road, Tunbridge Wells, Caroline, wife of George Martin, passed peacefully to rest, after a long and painful illness, borne with great patience and courage. Aged 61 years. the 28th December, Elsie, the beloved wife of Thomas Nye, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chantler, of 82, Lavender Hill, Tonbridge, aged 47.

December 21st, at Matfield Green, Matfield, Florence Anne, beloved wife of John James, aged at Matfield, December 23rd, 1933. SMITH. Annie Harriet, loving wife of John Edward Smith, passed away on December 15th, at Naramata, British Columbia, in her 72nd her husband she leaves two sons, Leonard Ed. and Leslie Ed. and five grandchildren, all of Naramata, B.C.

the 26th December Emily Wait, beloved wife of the late Harry Wait, of 129, Queen's-road, Tunbridge Wells, aged 82. IN MEMORIAM. loving memory of Thomas Allum, who passed away January 9th, 1922. BANKS. In loving and affectionate memory of our dear dad, Richard Thomas Banks, who passed away January 7th, 1933.

"Always remembered, sadly missed." memory of a dear husband and daddy, William Ernest Blaber, who passed away January 1st, 1932. Always in our memories." In loving memory of a devoted husband and father, William Budgen, passed away suddenly January 2nd, 1930. loving memory of my dear wife and mother, Esther Crittenden, who passed away December 30th, loving Husband, Daughter and Sons and her sister, Emily. From our happy home and circle God has taken one we love. Borne away from sin and sorrow, To better home above." DE PEARE ever-fondest memory of Ivy de Peare, who passed to the Homeland January 6th, 1933.

"Dearly treasured in love's remembrance" -Mother and Connie, LAWRENCE -In ever-loving memory of our dear mother, who fell asleep January 6th, 1932. "Always in our thoughts." -Bessie and Ted. MERCER. In loving memory of dear Daisy, died January 4th, 1926. In memory she is dear; and longed for always." -Mum and Florrie.

MILLS (nee -In loving memory of Nellie, who died January 5th, 1930. Worthy of everlasting memory." -Mother, MILLS (nee of Nellie, 5th, loving 1930. memory Peace, perfect peace." -May and Jack. REEVES ever-loving dear husband and father, memory of a died January 3rd, John his Reeves, and Children. loving "Death divides, but memories cling." loving memory of our daughter, Flizabeth Mary, who dear away January 4th, passed Sadly missed, remembered always." loving memory of my dear husband, Charles Stanford.

his loving died January Wife. Not just -day, but every day in my thoughts." UPHOLSTERER and Lino. Fitter Required.Write in first instance, Jones, 96, Southborough. J.13 WANTED, smart Girl for Wireless and Gramophone Shop; knowledge of book-keeping and 66 Smart," Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. CONFECTIONERY Assistant, age 18 to 20, tall, well spoken; live Box Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells.

TWO SUPERVISORS Required (Female) for departmental control and make-up of orders. Also extra Staff required for office, ledgers and letter only, stating experience and age, Photochrom Graphic Works, 'l'unbridge Wells. WANTED, Young Lady for Counter and Office Work; state age, experience, Tobacconist and Hairdresser, Crawley. Lady Assistant required for Manchester personally, or full particulars first letter, Waymarks, Tunbridge Wells. 532 WANTED, an experienced 'Tree Feller with party on cubage -Write Box R.544, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells.

544 IMPROVER Wanted for Fish and Poultry -Mac Fisheries, 4, High-street, Tunbridge Wells. 642 SMART Young Lady, with experience, required for fasn.on Tunbridge Wells. smart Man to do good rounds (with Morris veil, one with experience in slaughtering preferrea; permanent; references wood and Sons, Calverley-road, Tunbridge Wells. WANTED, young Lady Assistant for high-class Shoe Store; experience essential. Apply Smethurst, Oxted.

F.9 COWMAN Wanted, single; must be experienced milker; good lodgings on farm. R. Courier Office, 'Tunbridge Wells. A.1 LEDGER CLERK (Lady), capable to take charge several sales ledgers; must be neat writer, smart at figures ana able to work independently; only efficient and experienced workers need apply, stating age, previous experience, and salary required. -Write Box R.

Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. SITUATIONS WANTED. SECRETARY-SHORTHAND-TYPIST requires post, part or whole time; excellent references. -Box 'R. Shorthand," Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells.

LADY can recommend her man as Gardener and Housemaid, daily, for Sevenoaks or Seal district. -Box 257, Chronicle Office, Sevenoaks. C.257 AS IMPROVER, Ladies' Hairdressing; male, tall, refined, requires work, Wells or near; small -Box 6CJ, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 600 SHORTHAND-TYPIST, Book-keeper, experienced, aged 21, good references; part time in office and shop, or receptionist; good appearance, well 473, Courier Office, 'Tunbridge Wells. 473 SHORT'HAND-TYPIST requires post; office experience; whole or part-time; typing carried out V.

Arundell, Crowhurst Lodge, Lingdeld, Surrey. E.G.653 COWMAN Carter seeks situation; poultry. carpentry; references; Ray Cottages, Lingfield, E.G. WANTED, situation, strong Lad, 16, garage, workshop, within five-six miles Ticehurst; or anything where could live in; good references.Cheffins, Ticehurst. 564 EXPERIENCED Gardener requires work, daily or 563, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells.

563 Man, 24, seeks position in Gent's Outfitting; three years' experience; good Bennett, Four Elms, Edenbridge, Kent, 584 POST OFFICE CLERK requires situation; experienced all counter Box 539, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells, 539 SCHOLASTIC. MR. F. GILBERT, M.A., Oxon. ceives pupils at 8, Christ Church Avenue, Tunbridge Wells.

Common Entrance, School Certificates, etc. tc MADEMOISELLE H. DAVID-TASSIN, of Paris, diploma, receives pupils at Albion House, Lime Hill-road, Tunbridge Wells. Coaching in French for Examinations, French Conversation. Schools visited.

TUTOR, many years' experience, Mathematics and Latin. Matric. Certificate, mon Entrance. Pupils received or visited, or would undertake work in a' school. -G.

H. V. Hooper, Headingley, Goldsmid-road, Tonbridge. MR. A.

SYMS WOOD, M.A. (Honours, B.A. (Honours, London), prepares Pupils rapidly for University, Navy and Army Exams. Tuition strictly -Balliol House, 46, Mount Ephraim. Tunbridge Wells.

TEACHING Post Required, daily, Tunbridge Wells district; Music (piano) successes in Associated Board Examinations; French, two years' residence R.423, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 423 GERMAN and Italian Teachers Wanted.Write fully, Box Teachers," Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. tc Shorthand Lessons Required in R. Shorthand," Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. P.18 WANTED, Lady to teach small Girl first Lessons, Crawford, The Cottage, Pembury.

475 OAKDALE SCHOOL, CROWBOROUGH, Girls; Preparatory Boys. Term commences January 9th. Vacancies for few boarders. Happy home; good education; moderate fees; special facilities for music. Principal at home Friday and Monday after 3.

541 MISCELLANEOUS. FOR PRINTING, good quality, right price and quick delivery. send to the "COURIER OFFICE, Tunbridge Wells. TURF FOR SALE; special offer of Meadow Turf; delivered within the radius of five miles of Tunbridge Wells at 20s. per 100; size 3ft.

1ft. -Geo. I. Adams, 21, Grosvenor-road, Tunbridge Wells. NEEDLEWORK WANTED of any kind, at ladies' houses.

259, Chronicle Office, Sevenoaks. C.259 G.P.O. Engineering Dept. (no experience required). Commence £4 per week.

Age 17-23. Excellent prospects. Free details of entrance Exam. from B.I.E.T. (Dept.

546), 31, Oxfordstreet, W.1. BUSINESSES FOR SALE AND WANTED. VILLAGE STORES URGENTLY WANTED, large or 44 Meriden," Staines-road, Laleham, Middlesex, 572 BAKING BUSINESS. well populated district, Tunbridge Wells; Shop, Bakehouse and Dwelling; low rent; price £275-Wickenden and Sons, Tunbridge Wells. CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO, TEAS, main road near Sevenoaks; Shop and Dwelling; rent low; trade about £25 weekly; good net profit; price £375, S.A.V.-Wickenden and Sons, Tunbridge Wells.

NEWS AND GENERAL, Tunbridge Wells. D.F. Shop and living accommodation. Low rent long lease. Cash trade £17 weekly, Good profits.

£250 A.A., including £100 stock. Recommended. -Marchant and 56, High-street, Tunbridge Wells. IRONMONGERS, Sussex Town. Good living accommodation.

Established 50 years. Price £275, S.A.V. about and 56, High-street, Tunbridge Wells. MOTOR INSURANCE. LOWEST RATES QUARTERLY PREMIUMS First year motor cyclists accepted for pillion Lloyds and Leading Companies LIFE ASSURANCE for under-averaged lives (weak heart, lungs, FIRE INSURANCE every risk rated on merit- timber buildings, caravans and hazardous risks accepted.

-SHEPPARD, Insurance Broker. 43, Erskine Park, Rusthall, Tunbridge Wells. FOR BEST RATES and Terms Apply Packham, 41, Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells. h.p. Austin.

30-cwt. Ford, own goods, General Haulage, H. O. Darley and Sons, opposite Sessions House. Maidstone.

FOR BEST RATES and TERMS Apply Packham, 41, Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells. GARAGES TO LET AND WANTED. LOCK-UP. Granville-road; electric, wash; open to Apply Stables. adjoining.

tc WANTED, Private Lock-up, convenient to Guildford-road; rent 17, Monson-road, Tunbridge Wells. 484 LARGE Brick-built Lock-up to Let. Water.Ward's, Stanley-road, Tunbridge Wells. SHOOTING TO LET AND WANTED. GOOD Pheasant Shooting Wanted in Kent, Surrey or Sussex from February 1st, 1934.

Coverts must be suitably placed for showing high birds and capable of holding a large head of Game. -Please write Box Game," Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells, B.3 FOR SALE. WAYMARKS, Secondhand Galleries, 106-108, Calverley Road, TUNBRIDGE WELLS. GREAT SALE BARGAINS. 5ft.

9in. MAHOGANY WARDROBE, one end fitted hanging accommodation with full length mirror in door, remainder fitted and two and two large deep drawers. sliding trays, enclosed by panelled doors, Exceptionally well constructed and in sound condition. £6 6s. 0d.

OAK BEDROOM SUITE, comprising: -3ft. Wardrobe with cheval mirror in door, interior fitted rod and sliding hooks, and deep drawer under; 2ft. 6in. Dressing Chest witn triple mirrors, and 2ft. 6in.

Chestand, each with 3 deep drawers. £11 17s. 6d. 5ft. BRASS BEDSTEAD complete with good quality wire spring.

18s. 6d. 3ft. TWIN BEDSTEADS in solid oak, complete with good quality wire springs. Each 25s.

MAHOGANY CIRCLE TOP TABLE, 4ft. diameter. In good condition. 18s. 6d.

3-PIECE SUITE, comprising: -4ft. 6in. Settee and two easy chairs. All double sprung on steel webbing and covered in hard wearing Tapestry. Very comfortable.

£9 18s. 6d. COMFORTABLE EASY CHAIRS. Well sprung and upholstered in Tapestry. Three only can be offered at this low price.

Each 35s. COMFORTABLE BOX OTTOMAN, 5ft. 9ins. long, well upholstered and complete with cretonne loose cover. 25s.

MIRZAPORE CARPET with artistic design introducing rich shades of blue, rose, on camel ground. 9ft. 3ins. 6ft. 4ins.

45s. SEAMLESS AXMINSTER CARPET with natural ground and charming floral design in blue, rose and green, 9ft. 7ft. 6ins. Condition as new.

67s. 6d. These are only a few of the many bargains offered in our Sale. Why not come in and see them all? C. H.

WHITEHOUSE LTD. BUCKHURST WORKS, 'Phone 47. FRANT. Sussex. Makers of all kinds of Sectional Buildings, Greenhouses from £7 10s.

Garden Frames from 27s. Sheds from £3 17s. Garages from £8 10s. Poultry Houses from 35s. Also Summer Houses, Dog Kennels, Sports Pavilions, Recreation Halls, Bungalows, etc.

Illustrated Catalogues on RequestGOOD Rot Stable Manure; deliver any part of Tunbridge Welis. -Cheesman, St. John's Poultry Farm, Tunbridge Wells. 'Phone 997. Pale Fencing, Garden Screening, Chestnut Spiles, Flower and Tree Stakes, etc.

-The Stanley Underwood Etchingham. tc ROLL TICKETS kept In Stock ready for de livery. Following wordings: Admission 1s. 1s. 1s.

2s. 2s. 6d. "Pass Out." In rolls of 500, 9d. per roll.

Cloak Room Tickets in books, No. 1 to 100, assorted colours, 3d. per book. Office, Great Hall Buildings. Tunbridge Wells.

GRIP-FIX. the ideal Paste for Home. Office and General Use; just the paste for Photo graphic use; sold in aluminium pot, with brush. IS. Courier Great Hall Buildings lunbridge Wells.

BOX NUMBERS. Where replies to advertisem*nts are to be sent to Box Numbers NO INFORMATION CAN BE GIVEN at any of the Courier Offices cerning the advertisem*nts. Replies must in writing, addressed to the Box Number given and may be left at the office indicated, or posted. JOHN ANGELL'S BARGAINS. SOLID SILVER TEAPOT, SUGAR BASIN AND CREAM JUG.

The Set Complete, £5 5s. 0d. GENUINE PLATINUM NECKLET with Diamond and Pearl Pendant. Pretty design. £7 15s.

0d. HANDSOME OAK BAROMETER, London made throughout; warranted accurate. £2 2s, 0d. JOHN ANGELL, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, 110, 112, 114, HIGH STREET, TONBRIDGE, And at 24, MILL STREET, MAIDSTONE. Foreign Money Exchanged.

Licensed Appraiser. Valuations Probate, Insurance, etc. Tel. Tonbridge 197, Maidstone 2552. COALS DIRECT.

Best House Cobbles Steam 13s. 6d. per ton, pit; Railway Rate 5s. for 50 Colliery Offices, Humberstone-road. Leicester.

HIMALAYA and Black Diamond Blackberry, Loganberry, Dewberry Plants, in dissolving peatpots, Black Currant Bushes for Sale, Robust Plants from prolific stocks. Inspection invited. -Raymond Wickham, Brenchley, Kent. Brenchley 81. LANTERN AND SLIDES, perfect condition; a True, Church Lane, Copthorne.

E.G.648 FOR SALE, 10 Glevum Blue Flame Hovers, 500-chick size, 50s. each (or offer for T. Scott, Gables Lodge, Rotherfield, S.20 A NEW Gas Cooker, with patent Conservor Oven, for Sale. -Write Box 495, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 495 20,000 BOARDS, new Alder Plywood, 56ins.

1s. 3d. each. C.P. Galvanized Corrugated Roofing Iron, 1s.

Fratton, Portsmouth. 497 5,000,000 FEET BRIGHT NEW TIMBER at half prices. No rubbish. 2 2 4s. 4d.

100 feet; 2 3, 6s, 2 4, 8s. 1 6, PE or PTG Flooring, 7s. 7-8ths 4 PTG, Real 3s. tin. Super Wallboards, 1d.

sq. ft. handsome New Doors, 5s. 9d. each.

8ft. 4ft. Asbestos Sheets, 2s. 11d. All other sizes in stock, also Matchings, Planed Boards, Planed Shiplap and Sawn Weatherboards, Deals, Sawn Boards, Battens, Poles, Laths, Paints, Plywood, Gates, Felts, Slates, Joinery, Mouldings, Greenhouse Glass and Bars.

All at half prices. Lorry delivery England and Wales. C.O.D. system. Aerial views and illustrated list and terms post free, or come and look round the World's Largest Mail Order Timber Concern and see your goods loaded while you wait.

O'GORMAN'S, BARKING, LONDON. 'Phone Grangewood 0912 and 0913. FOR SALE, Tailor's Cutting Board, fitted two drawers; very Guildford-road, Tunbridge Wells. 575 FINE old Spanish Mahogany Case, Brass Dial, Grandfather Clock, old London maker, cheap; also Old Victoria-road, Tunbridge Wells, Stock of all countries, both mint and used. Also all philatelic accessories.

-A. Kirkpatrick, 15, High-street, Tonbridge. CORONA Portable Typewriter No. splendid condition; Sanders Cottage, Hildenborough. T.928 SECTIONAL Greenhouse, 30 feet by 10, nearly new; reasonable offer T.922, Courier Office, Tonbridge.

T.922 COMFORTABLE nine-piece Suite, comprising Couch, two Arm-chairs and six small, upholstered in plush, well sprung and in good condition; Nelson-road, Tunbridge Wells. 635 LIBRARY BOOKS for Sale, 50 12s. Good Authors" (withdrawn), good Library, Bohemia-road, St. Leonards. PAIR Circular Bellows, good condition; Anvil; quantity Tools, all descriptions.J.

Walker, Stonegate. 546 FOR SALE, about eight gallons well cooled Gayler, Barden Mill, Speldhurst. T.911 SECONDHAND Electrolux Cleaner, suitable for Tunbridge Wells, for Sale; £4. A Bargain.Cross, 14, High-street, Tunbridge Wells. Pale Fencing, Spiles, Round Posts, suitable for Wire Fencing; Pergola Poles, Clothes Props, Firewood, Saunders, 7, Spring Gardens, Rusthall, Tunbridge Wells.

RICHMOND Don Geyser for Sale; excellent conditon; Ward, Newsagent, Goudhurst. KODAK 101; Interesting Books, Various; Vio-Ray with Electrodes; £2 10s. R.646, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 646 GENT'S 24in. three-speed S.A.

Gear Cycle, 30s. -Showler, 30, Little Mount Sion, Tunbridge Wells. 654 LOST AND FOUND. FOUND in Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells, January 3rd, Horn-rimmed Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. LOST on Sunday, December 31st, a long-haired Black given for news if dead or alive at 78, Goods Station-roed, Tunbridge Wells.

638 LOST at Otford Dance 7. (January 1) Lady's Suede Fur Gloves; probably taken in error, others left; Goscote, Shoreham, Kent. WIRELESS. TWO-VALVE S.W. SET, complete; batteries, easily convertible; with miscellaneous components; 39s.

Princes-street, Tunbridge Wells, 486 RETURN OF THANKS. Bullen and family wish to thank all kind friends and relatives for sympathy shown during their sad and sudden bereavement and for beautiful floral tributes. Childs of Lower Lodge, Broomhill, sincerely thanks all friends for kindness shown in her sad bereavement and for beautiful floral tributes. relatives of Jessie Divall thank the doctors and staff of Pembury Hospital for their kindness, also friends for sympathy and flowers sent. Everest and family thank Mrs.

Shoebridge, Mr. and Mrs. White and the doctor for their help in their sudden bereavement. family of the late Mr. William Goodwin wish to all friends for kindness and floral tributes sent.

P. Gower wishes to thank all kind friends for the kindness shown in his sad bereavement, and for the messages of sympathy and flowers sent. Hughes wishes to return thanks to doctor and staff at Pembury Hospital for kindness shown to the late Mr. Cyril Hughes, also all friends for kind enquiries and floral tributes. King and families wish to thank all kind friends messages of sympathy; also for beautiful floral tributes sent during their sad bereavement.

N. Martin wishes to thank relatives and friends for the letters of sympathy in her sad bereavement, and for flowers sent. MARTIN. Mr. George Martin and his daughters wish to express their grateful thanks to all who have so kindly remembered them in their bereavement.

Also they desire to thank the doctors and Nurse Allsopp for their great kindness and attention during the long illness of the late Mrs. Martin. Morgan and family wish to thank all kind friends and relations, especially the doctor and nurse, for sympathy and kind attention and for beautiful floral tributes sent. H. Prior and sister wish to all kind friends for messages of sympathy and for beautiful floral tributes during their sad bereavements.

and Miss Roberts wish to thank all friends for kindness and sympathy shown in their sad bereavement and beautiful floral tributes, also the doctor and the nurse for their unfailing attention. E. Sellings and son wish to thank all for kind sympathy shown and lovely flowers sent during their sad loss. A. Shoebridge and family sincerely thank all who have shewn sympathy with them in their recent sad bereavement, also for the beautiful floral tributes.

THORNTON Thornton and family (Crawley) thank their many friends for kind sympathy and floral tributes. Walden and family return sincere thanks for sympathy shown in their sad bereavement and for, the beautiful flowers sent. ROBERTS HIGH CLASS SERVANTS' AGENCY, 25, GROSVENOR ROAD, TUNBRIDGE WELLS. Telephone: Tunbridge Wells 1695 (2 lines). COOK Wanted; Kitchenmaid kept; £70.

COOK Wanted; three maids kept; Tunbridge Wells; £55. COOK-GENERAL Wanted; Tunbridge Wells; House-Parlourmaid kept; £48. HOUSE-PARLOURMAID Wanted; Tunbridge Wells; Cook-General kept; £40. HOUSEMAIDS, Head of two, Second of three, and under of two, Wanted; good wages offered. KITCHENMAID, where Scullerymaid kept, Wanted; £44.

Also Single-handed Kitchenmaid Wanted; £36. COOK-GENERAL. Single-handed, Wanted; Tunbridge Wells; family two; £45. and the WANTED, capable Help, live in, plain cooking; good references; age over Large, Mabledon Farm, Tonbridge. N.P.221 KITCHENMAD Wanted; good wages and food; live Halfway House, East Grinstead.

E.G. WANTED, Cook-General; sleep Lansdowne-road, Tunbridge Wells. COOK-GENERAL, age over 22, new laboursaving house; near Oak Hill-road, or call after 3 o'clock C.232 WANTED, experienced General; must be good plain cook; age 30-35; good George Streatfeild, Four Winds, Westerham, Kent. 481 WOMAN for housework, mornings only; Hume Mather, Carlton Lodge, Tunbridge Wells. 501 COOK-GENERAL Wanted; two in family; house-parlourmaid The Beeches, Bidborough Ridge, Nr.

Tunbridge Wells. 505 HOUSE-PARLOURMAID Wanted; two in family. -Apply The Beeches, Bidborough Ridge, Tunbridge Wells. 506 DOMESTIC HELP, cooking, experienced; small family: two children (at school); comfortable T.916, Courier Office, Tonbridge. T.916 WANTED, reliable Maid, undertake all duties, two ladies; small house; good references; Tunbridge R.576, Courier Office, TunWells.

576 GENERAL HOSPITAL, TUNBRIDGE WELLS. -Wanted, Housemaid; live in; wages according to Matron. -GENERAL, all duties; help given; two ladies; age 25-45; state Phillpotts, Burnt Cottage, Speldhurst. MOTHER'S HELP Wanted, experienced and capable; British or French, Protestant; girl aged six day school, boy 10 at boarding school; two maids kept; Sevenoaks, Box Z.H. 327, Deacon's, 5, St, Mary London, E.C.3.

567 WANTED, Cook-General and House-Parlourmaid; good wages; comfortable home; boy kept for boots. -Write Mrs. Patey, Barnhurst, Limpsfield, Surrey. 569 DAILY HELP (House-Parlourmaid), active, willing; abstainer; personal -Box 583, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 583 cook; electric COOK-GENERAL; must be very good plain light; gas cooker; wages Mrs.

Wethered, Hoopers, Mayfield. W.23 COOK-GENERAL, by end of Mrs. Burke, Brook-street, Edenbridge. N.929 YOUNG HELP Required mornings for house-Box 890, Chronicle Office, Sevenoaks. WANTED, Third Housemaid, about 18; good Mrs.

references and some Riverhill, experience Rogers, Sevenoaks. WANTED. Betweenmaid, age about Manor House, Riverhead. C.269 WOMAN Required few hours daily, cooking, housework: R.633, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 633 GENERAL MAID Required; modern house.Mrs.

Rawson, Saxonbury, Mayfield Lane, Wadhurst. 634 EXPERIENCED Housemaid and Daily House Boy Wanted immediately; good references required. -Apply after 6 p.m., Mrs. Heale, The Priory, Bordyke, Tonbridge. T.926 KITCHENMAIDS and Pantrymaids; strong, willing; excellent posts; good wages.

Agency, East Grinstead. E.G. CAPABLE Young General Maid, or Useful Help; usual duties; small house; two in family. -Gower, The Croft, 16, Springwell-road, Tonbridge. T.925 THE ALPHA Domestic Agency, Lime Hill-road, Tunbridge Wells, want Cooks, Housemaids and Daily Workers for town and country.

622 WANTED, young, experienced Nurse for baby 18 stating age, wages and particulars, to Mrs. Dudley Coles, Oakend, Kingswood-road, Tunbridge Wells. C.6 WANTED at once, capable General Maid; sleep in; good references -Box 626, Courier Office, Tunbridge Wells. 626 DAILY MAID -Apply 15, Monsonroad, Tunbridge Wells. 625 WANTED Daily, young Person for HouseParlourmaid 32, Queen's-road, Tunbridge Wells.

H.11 MIDDLE-AGED Woman, to make her home in small cottage at Cowden, with widow, partial invalid; small wages Boakes, Timber Cottage, Kingscote, East Grinstead. E.G.655 WANTED. Second Housemaid of three; good training essential; family three; household nine; 'bus passes drive. -Aply Mrs. Beale, Standen, East Grinstead.

E.G.656 MRS. BARNETT'S AGENCY, South Grove, Tunbridge Wells. Est. 1874. Tel.

1750. Vacancies in large and small Establishments for good Cooks, Cook-Generals, HouseParlourmaids, Housemaids (upper, singlehanded, fourth), Kitchenmaids, Betweenmaids. Generals. 619 HOUSEMAIDS, experienced, Wanted for Lingfield, Forest Row; Head Housemaid, Crockham Hill; good wages and Agency, East Grinstead. E.G.

-GENERALS and House-Parlourmaids together; separately; East Grinstead, Liss, Reigate, Forest Row, Dulwich; excellent wages. -Maxwell's Agency, East Grinstead. E.G. (Single-handed), near East Grinstead; four family; five servants.Hunt 85, High-street, Marylebone, London, W.1. No charge.

L.587 CHAUFFEUR-PARLOURMAN AND COOK (man and wife), Crowborough; one lady; housemaid; HUNT 86, High-street, Marylebone, London, W.1. No charge, L.586 H. PINK FUNERAL SERVICE PERFECT ORGANISA LION WITH PERSONAL SER ICE. YE FIVE WAYES, TUNBRIDGE WELLS. Telephone 213.

B. W. BENNETT 19, Chapel Place, Tunbridge Wells. Tel, 1301. MONUMENTAL MASONS.

R. W. WEEKES, Ltd. M.B.U.A. Funerals Conducted to all parts Cremations, Embalming, etc.

1-8, MOUNT PLEASANT ROAD, Tel. 369. TUNBRIDGE WELLS. Funeral Manager: Mr. L.

H. Izod, 27, St. James' Road. DUST Company, Ltd Funeral Directors and Undertakers Funerals and Cremations arranged and conducted to all rar (: MODERATE CHARGES. Telephone The Pantiles 342 at all hours Tunbridge Wells Beautiful THE EVERLASTING SILVER GREY CORNISH GRANITE, UNSURPASSED FOR DURABILITY AND BEAUTY.



Tunbridge Wells. and also Published at 54. High Street Sevenoaks, and 78. High Street. Tonbridge in the County of Kent.

and 56-58. London Road. East Grinstead, in the County of Sussex. by the Courier Printing and Publishing Company, Limited (Harold William Matthew Edwardes. Chairman of Directors), on Fridey, Januery 5, 1934.

London Office, 30-32, Ludgate Hill, E.C.4. Tel.

Tunbridge Wells Courier from Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

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Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.