Brenda Smeenge on LinkedIn: #ai #ai #connection #content | 12 comments (2024)

Brenda Smeenge

Connector. Why-child & Pippi | Woman. Empath. Convergent Thinker | Creator at MFTM & WeTriarchy aka JOY in the Land of AND. Sentio ergo sum

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Dear readers, may I ask for 5 minutes of your time to advise me?Context: LinkedIn’s mission is about connecting people. It’s my soul’s mission too: I believe ‘𝐈 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐈 𝐚𝐦’ should level with Descartes’ ‘I think therefore I am’, because it can: 1.bridge ‘butting heads’ [even oppressed-oppressor dynamics amongst us].2.heal harm done with words or actions.3.connect us with the infinite; to wrap up various names for it in 1 word. I do know HOWs. I’m not the only one. I know I’ve been carving a path that has puzzled people. I’m used to beingasked genuinely curious questions if anything I write isn’t clear. Only in retrospect, there is a pattern of creative waves in my posts; on target. PROBLEM STATEMENT: I experience silent distrust from LinkedIn, whilst on my own mission described. Silent distrust and empathy don’t go well together: I lose my trust in LinkedIn too. I know I sound silly now, as I am talking about a thing, not a human being!EXEMPLIFIED WITH ONLY 1 EXAMPLE FROM MY DIGITAL LOGFILE:To 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 is to connect.Feelings are not the same as emotions. The latter stem from our brains and often drive disconnection, within ourselves, and between people.I dared to exemplify the difference once, in my real Halloween story about kids and me, aka the good witch.LinkedIn’s #AI took the story down immediately. Ouch!Granted: it acknowledged its mistake. BUT: that was 9 months ago and that story still has not been released. Why not?! I’ll picture the story in thecomments for you to discern. In other words: I gave my heart. I received discouragement from a robot. Putting it mildly. I seem bound for my forgiver, but I don’t understand which bad I made. The connection story mentioned, is my metaphorical star content baby, for two reasons:1. It’s about children, so I care even more.2. The fact that it is in digital jail, showed #AI is not Human Intelligence. Ours is wider. AI is a tool. It is not alive. Having a tool in oblivious hands, is another matter. Same holds for a tool like an axe. It can operate on our behalf, or not…HERE'S WHY I AM ON LINKEDIN:I care about #connection. I hold many little stories to exemplify, which wouldresonate with people as they’d recognize them. I’d love to share those stories, without seeing them taken down without a just reason.HELP?IF anyone can even see this post…: please help me answer this self-reflectivequestion: Have you seen anything I can improve myself to be trusted by LinkedIn? I am trained in Continuous Improvement and never give up easily but I don’t experience a safe, free haven, to be able to share more of my #content babies on LinkedIn. I don’t understand what I am doing wrong?Communication = listening; I’ve always advocated and applied that. I’m listening… 🌻 Thank you! Brenda[Mom, please hold my space. I can’t find my humor anymore and I am sh*tting my dress again, being this openhearted, online, again. I have 1 time left for it.]

  • Brenda Smeenge on LinkedIn: #ai #ai #connection #content | 12 comments (2)



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Brenda Smeenge

Connector. Why-child & Pippi | Woman. Empath. Convergent Thinker | Creator at MFTM & WeTriarchy aka JOY in the Land of AND. Sentio ergo sum


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My Halloween story in 2 comments. Does anyone see anything bad in it? I showcase the 3 bullets mentioned about ‘I FEEL therefore I am.’ I sided with the boy as I 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐝 his hurt and spoke up JOYOUSLY, on his behalf. I even hesitantly posted it, as I don’t intend to disrespect his mom. I aimed to heal the effect of my roar, and the affect of her words, on her son. I will never forget the glowing expression on his little face 🙏 :

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Charles van Megen


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Brenda, what response would make you happy? It is hard to predict a response that meets your expectations.

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Maarten Jansen ✏️

Contentmarketing & social media in B2B | Technische Unie | TEDxHaarlem


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Petra Weggen

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I hope someone will be able to help!

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  • Brenda Smeenge

    Connector. Why-child & Pippi | Woman. Empath. Convergent Thinker | Creator at MFTM & WeTriarchy aka JOY in the Land of AND. Sentio ergo sum

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    THE HIDDEN POWER OF BEING ‘THE ONLY’ IN A ROOM / PLATFORM: 😊 1. Which scientists would you nominate for Netflix’ Picture a scientist -part 2? Part 1 left this out of sight:A. #EMPATHY: it’s a retrospective documentary about female scientists. Covered in sympathy, which sadly only drives disconnection. In this case: female versus male scientists. Yes, female scientists still have a harder time to be heard. Moving forward: let’s simply own the FACT that a scientific mind has nothing to do with gender. Full stop.B. GENUINE SCIENCE: rarely scientists discover something that changes a rusty paradigm for the better; with more truth. Therefore, I’d recommend professor Iris Sommer, as she researched the difference between men’s brains and women’s brains, which challenges a lot of derived [medical] sciences and does make a difference for about 50% of us; moving forward… Which other scientists would you include in Picture a scientist – part 2?2. Here's what often happens to people like professor Sommer, who seem like 'the only', at first:A. I reached out to multiple [international] journalists, a Dutch LinkedIn Top Voice one even, who sadly wasn’t interested in groundbreaking work from a Dutch scientist [but did collect a scoop I gave him for his own mission thingies en zn keutel introk met n moedige block toen ik hem er in person op aansprak].B. I tried to gift Iris the publicity she deserves, by sharing my interview with her, on LinkedIn, in 2021. The post vanished.C. I tried to connect Iris with an MD focusing on differences in HEARTS, but she was too focused on her own mission. HELLO SCIENTISTS: do we remember to collaborate already? Genuine science can never have a tunnel-vision...D. Recently, I recommended Iris to 1 of the VERY FEW genuine professors on Earth, in my book [RG]. He listened. And so, to THANK him, AND my bro, I am resharing my interview now: I credit the title of this post to this link, received on the 1 day my feed seemed more matched with who I am: I take a stand to reconnect genuine science AND genuine spirituality. Yup, that seems like I’m ‘the only’ but many, many people [before us] already under_stand. I must be onto something, as I cannot even access my alias design room anymore: I can close with a constructive climax, to every human being who aims to transition things for the better on Earth, on behalf of younger generations, in his or her or them ways. As Gandhi said: “first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win!” So: smile at the covert cynics and never stop believing in yourself! 💓 [and oh: I did shake the hand of someone who shook Gandhi’s hand, himself. Maybe that makes me more trustworthy to show me some genuine curiosity, in person, in true colors, one day? 😅 ] Joyous weekend to you all!BRENDA 🌻

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  • Brenda Smeenge

    Connector. Why-child & Pippi | Woman. Empath. Convergent Thinker | Creator at MFTM & WeTriarchy aka JOY in the Land of AND. Sentio ergo sum

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    Dearest George Eman Vaillant,Did you know this is my way of predicting? It has been all my life. Yeah, not always easy. I just had to speak up this time, my way – a feminine way. In the digital realm. Haha. Yeah, I know: I do like a challenge. Lateral moves, in a linear world… Can you picture me, dancing?No worries, I think I did well; even though the digital creepiness increased.People are and will always be wonderful beings!I did learn things, and saw some things shift, so I’m grateful!I want you to know I remembered your voice more than once along the way.You’ve held my space with it.Your discernment about assumptions made about my hair color [“reaction formation” – LOL – do you have a term for assumptions made about someone daring to wear a good witch outfit on a professional platform, too?😉 Elusive, maybe?]Ah well. This world needs a lot more heart. I’m more onto that with WeTriarchy World, and all, as it’s a how to STOP repeating patterns. Positive psychology hey😊“HAPPINESS IS LOVE. JOY IS #CONNECTION”George, I’ve tried to hold your work up high, too!Take that inside.I took it up a notch too. Yayyy! [and, as you know, spiritual narcissism has no place in it].I would LOVE to have a chat with you again.Knowing you, you would be proud, instead of offended. You’d be genuinely curious. You’d listen. [You’d poke around a bit in my soul; professional deformation; okay I’ll grant you that 😉] And we’d have a feisty debate again.You taught me the word feisty and you weren’t intimidated, nor belittling because I’m not a professor. You sparked my soul with your wisdom.Seriously: Thank you, for being you. For being a shining light on my path.You made me believe in genuine science again, thanks to our interview, a decade ago now. It is about the aim to understand nature and all alive in it. You never forgot that. And one doesn’t necessarily need to be a professor to be able to. You leveled with me. That’s rare. 🙏 And you never lost your joy either!I can still see you, preparing your TED talk, squatted down on a box of Jack Daniels, as an 80 Y0. See comment.So, I gave myself 2 options: writing a letter to demis, or to you.Easy choice. Because remembering you will always put a smile on my face. And you deserve to be honored!And I’m kinda done with the brainy part of life as the boys and their toys seem to know it all [even when they don’t].And your quote I posted before, made me realize I should not graciously resign on my wall of wonders, in resentment. IT seems confused about who I am, to date. That's okay. Join the club.But hey, maybe I’m way ahead of my time, just like my mom?Or certifiably crazy? LOL. Take a pick.George, I do need to see you, soon, God willing [I do use another word for God, I hope you don't mind?]Big hug to you and your loved ones,Brenda.PS: Cobi sends her heartfelt regards. May she teach me how to age gracefully for many more days to come. YES, I listened to your advice!😊 #empaths

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  • Brenda Smeenge

    Connector. Why-child & Pippi | Woman. Empath. Convergent Thinker | Creator at MFTM & WeTriarchy aka JOY in the Land of AND. Sentio ergo sum

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    Inconsistent signs of love received, from ‘social’ media and ITs respective users. Odd. And: QED; bizz models wise…And: 1 of my studies [communication] in a one-liner: never assume. It makes an [ass] of [u] and [me].And: ITs AI did encourage me… like a manipulative digital fly around a real Mare at times even.And: I will never respond well to indirect digital steering.And: I simply cannot look back in anger.And: I’m so done fighting to be heard, armed with a flower chain, a broken cane and a little flashlight.Confusing. I guess I’ve always been living in another paradigm myself… I do wonder: who or what is trampling me, trampling with my soul’s mission, my discernment about LinkedIn for it, and why?!I don’t know, anymore.I do know I’m not anyone’s troll, nor fool. I do not wish to join the blame/shame games all round. That’s so silly too.Besides, my Dad matters to me way, way more than IT and he told me to take it easy, lying in his hospital bed…Someday, I might turn my wonderment into a letter post to demis next, though. 😉 And: I’m bored/outa patience: perceived butterfly barbies, and/or Donna Quichots, do have brains, too.It’s worth it to truly listen to them, as they can help you #feelagain, too… #connection - [A]rmin: rrrrock on! I may be unhappy now, as holding space for a lot, on my own, for 4 years simply isn’t very enticing.And in the end, I ended up cornering a so-called ‘funniest history teacher’, as he trashed an unknown woman who posted very valuable content about education; by playing the woman instead of the ball…And that simply was the last drop in the bucket I could carry, so I choose to harm my own mission with it, because good education for our kids matters to me, too BUT: I expect Men to address jolly jokers like him next time! [and women to bite back themselves.]No worries about me; I still stand IN my joy.I’ve had the best teacher for it, you see: my Dad, aka The VikingHe shared a vivid story about his dance class lessons as a youngster, last Sunday [Dansstudio Gretel van Bruggen, Groningen]: Men invited women for a dance by bowing their heads in front of them, reaching out their open hands to them. Women then accepted, by bowing down a bit, whilst tilting their heads up, holding the open hands, to dance away TOGETHER. Can you picture that little story? It’s about reconnecting genuine #science AND genuine #spirituality in a few lines, too, btw, but that’s another story. I couldn’t find the perfect picture, but the enclosed one will give an idea on how little bowing is involved when curtesy is at stakeAnd Yes, my Dad taught me how to play chess AND how to dance. So, I’ll always listen to his sound advice. Zoals ik het altijd zeg: het vindt zich een weg, someday, somehow. Waar zouden we tenslotte zijn, zonder vertrouwen... #MFTM #JoyinthelandofAND #getwellsoonDad #takeiteasy

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  • Brenda Smeenge

    Connector. Why-child & Pippi | Woman. Empath. Convergent Thinker | Creator at MFTM & WeTriarchy aka JOY in the Land of AND. Sentio ergo sum

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    POLITICS -posted monday 22-01-2024As I didn’t even vote in my own country this year, so I shouldn’t voice an opinion about politics; I’ll only say I second Audrey Hepburn’s words: “Humanitarian means human welfare and responding to human suffering and that’s finally what politics should be. I think, perhaps with time, instead of there being a politicalization of humanitarian aid, there’ll be a humanization of politics. I dream of the day that it will be all one. We cannot afford to give up.” Same holds for company politics, imho. PS: oddly…. I cannot access my own content on LinkedIn anymore [1 post excepted, which I then supported]. I wonder if I am even allowed to post this, but quite frankly: my dad is hospital right now, so I couldn’t care less about the next ‘glitch’ on the block. One day, I will find out why it is so hard to trust 1 Lady currently living in the Netherlands. All I know, is that I do have my heart at the right place. [and: that's good enough for me. And my Mom. And my bonus mom, not to be mistaken for my steph mom.] Brenda. Edit 23-01-2024: wonderous stories.... I can access my content again now.... confusing and creepy... and thanks, I guess... It is a good thing I logged what happened yesterday, otherwise I might have questioned my sanity. No worries everyone, I am that I am, is IN_sanity. Having said that: without communication, which happens to be a two-way street and my expertise, there cannot be trust. And without trust there cannot be performance. I am sorry to say IT just doesn't add-up for me anymore, right now. I honestly don't know what to think, say or feel about IT anymore. And I have personal matters to attend, which should always matter more as the biggest joke on mankind is that computers have started asking humans to prove that they are not a robot. I'll fall silent. But not without giving you this uplifting song:, most of us are moral animals.... I am 1, for sure. Not a half in need of another half to complete me. Hang in there everyone. Never stop believing in yourself!#SanteaRoseMom! #JoyinthelandofAND #MFTM #ILOVEYOUDAD!

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  • Brenda Smeenge

    Connector. Why-child & Pippi | Woman. Empath. Convergent Thinker | Creator at MFTM & WeTriarchy aka JOY in the Land of AND. Sentio ergo sum

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    Hellooooo citizens of Earth! 😃 Such an inspiring professor! I’m tempted to co-create by connecting his wisdom with arithmetic AND #Empathy: “Arithmetic is a part of the genuine science of numbers AND of the art of using them,” Charles Pendlebury, M.A., and W.S. Beard, F.R.G.S, published in their book ‘A Shilling’, in.... 1917. [see comment].This professor shows that brilliantly, doesn’t he? In this case, the so-called unit in arithmetic = human beings. He uses a trashed banknote as a metaphor for a human being, to make a very solid point, most of us can relate to [ouch!] AND encourages us to never stop believing in ourselves nonetheless. My Mom would have loved this professor! Now, a part of a line in the book mentioned, to underpin a foundation for Empathy: "The principle of the value of a digit in a unit [1 human being] is a fundamental one in our method of notation, and is called: the principle of local value.” #Empath Yeah, it’s deep. 🌟 #artstouchhearts In other words: 1. Values matter: each of us is invaluable and priceless. All of us are perfectly imperfect. And yes, we complement each other in various ways. 2. None of us should [have to] feel worth less, or more, than anyone else. 3. “0 = nought or zero. 1 = one or unity.” Wow. Isn’t that lovely! I picture an ocean of 1’s flushing away wrongs in this world… The way this book founds its way to me, is a beautiful #flow and #connection story, which I'll save for some other time. I promise I'll use my social media skills then 😉 Joyous weekend everybody! Brendabeauty-love-truth-freedom#JoyinthelandofAND #MFTM

    Danielle Braun dr. op LinkedIn: Hoe zeer het leven je ook te grazen neemt of iemand je vertrapt, je houdt… | 52 commentaren


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  • Brenda Smeenge

    Connector. Why-child & Pippi | Woman. Empath. Convergent Thinker | Creator at MFTM & WeTriarchy aka JOY in the Land of AND. Sentio ergo sum

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    PS – Lieve Nederlanders, Thank you for all your ways of worry about me shown, after my last post. It has been heartwarming. So, in response I’ll lastly share another one of my brand images: Granted: today’s invitation by LinkedIn, to add to their CSR collaborative article, on how to design products holding space for human rights, is enticing too! [see comment]. Hahaha. Good one! --> check out my posts, ever since I joined this platform, for some hints? [and consider this image as my input please?] In my first post, I was looking for a DTP person. How belittling of me! I needed another designer at the time. AND I found an amazing one. Another Dutch Genuine Empath.Another highly creative designer, complEmenting me. She co-created my brand images with me, which are intending to support unity in diversity / stop polarization amongst us. [see my profile]. She doesn’t want to be tagged for it. She is humble, like I am. [Her name is Kyra]. I do not want to share what all is embedded in this particular brand image, on LinkedIn. #connectionNot until a person working for this platform will -at least- hear me out on the MASSIVELY creepy digital inconsistencies I’ve encountered, for which IT is not to blame…I do hope ITs staff feels the same enticement for it, one day; as I did just now, receiving ITs invite. Just saying: I already proved in public, beyond a shadow of doubt, that #AI will NEVER grasp our levelS of empathy: #consciousness. In a formula: AI =/ Human intelligence! AND: Natural Intelligence >HI>AI. Full stop. [unless you'd prefer digital systems telling you what to do, or else, of course]. Besides: words are a reduction of reality. 😉 And: I hold space for a Lot of Love for humankind. 💚 So, I’ll leave it in viewers’ capable hands to have their imagination sparked by this image, or not.Feel free to comment, or not. Do forgive me for not responding as fast as you are used to, if you do?I am on a digital detox program.If you need me, just call me? And oh: don’t read on if you don’t want some cues with this brand image:Robert Frost wrote: “The best way out [creative addition: of dddddigital shI.T.], is always through.”Marcus Aurelius wrote: “What stands in The way, becomes The way.”This brand image is about a broad-light way out, on Earth. #FeminineForce Haha. I know… I know; some call me a dreamer. 😊 But I know I am not the only one! 😃 YES – Thank You for holding my space for the better part of my life. #artstouchhearts Brenda_out, on LinkedIn. #Design #KM #Communication #informedoptimism #opentoworkoutsideofNL

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  • Brenda Smeenge

    Connector. Why-child & Pippi | Woman. Empath. Convergent Thinker | Creator at MFTM & WeTriarchy aka JOY in the Land of AND. Sentio ergo sum

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    POST 3/3PLEASE HELP ME? WE NEED TO UN_LOCK OUR EMPATH INSIDE !Polarization = divide and rule. Amidst this choice of backdrops: 1) humanity embraces unity in diversity, 2) digital systems tell us to comply or get tossed out, 3) humanity goes extinct.My choice? Number One! Empaths can build bridges between people.I am an Empath. I dare to say all of us are Empaths, when we’d want to. All my life, I’ve been puzzled about our tendencies to put people, and ourselves, in a box. We seem to see a social construct and immediately attach our biases on it? Empaths don’t. And yes, I do know multiple HOWS to unlock that side in all of us. #consciousness 3,5 years ago I wrote an how to depolarize article: weeks ago, someone unknown gifted it an emoji. I'll gift that kindness foward with a follow-up on that article: Reality is all about perspectiveS: it be of use to some of you, some day? RECAP OF A PART OF MY LIFE 2020-now:In March 2020, I spent a week in a solo silent retreat. As I stopped watching the news in 2006, opening my devices afterwards was a Big Suprise. My heart felt this though, amidst all chaos: YES, THIS IS THE TIME WE’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!We’ll finally reconnect and fix/heal the sh*t on Earth.To date, I still feel that! [see my profile]There I was. Standing in Nature. Alone. Butterflies flying around me, some of them even landed on me. Sensing I needed to take on a dreaded lonely road: taking a stand against polarization AND challenging shI.T, in one go.Being a WE; by myself.I had to accept all my little requests for help, were denied for various reasons. I lived a foreseen truth online, shared with me before: ‘You don’t push people away. People push you away,’ GEV 🙏 To be honest - I cried out at my mom, who died in 2008, a number of times.I missed her belief in WHO I AM, the most. Her brain, complEmenting mine; to make sense of things.It’s been hard to receive silence, from people who had no idea what I took on, willingly, because they didn't have the time to listen.I honestly hold no grudges and still belief in all of us, but I so needed her hug at times:WHY ME MOM?!“Because it is not about you, Brenda. You can do this, girl. Breathe.”HOW DID YOU SURVIVE IN YOUR DAYS, MOM??!!“Oh Brenda. Just don’t forget the power of humor? Some men just are afraid of your brains. They aren’t even aware of it. Don’t take that personally. This world needs you heart more, anyway.” Momsie, it’s too much for ME now; online:My posts saluting other gentle women vanished. Creepy!Will their voices ever be heard, instead of squashed?I can’t do this alone anymore. I never wanted to.I am a TEAM HUMAN team player, just like you were!I can only hope wise people, adults in your definition of it, that is, will hear my online echoes, one day. post 1 + 2 in this sequel in comment below: 💚

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  • Brenda Smeenge

    Connector. Why-child & Pippi | Woman. Empath. Convergent Thinker | Creator at MFTM & WeTriarchy aka JOY in the Land of AND. Sentio ergo sum

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    POST 2/3 - WE NEED EMPATHIC I.T. LEADERSHIP ON EARTH !Three weeks ago, LinkedIn’s #AI took down my first little #connection story, about kids. I get why: IT cannot FEEL and thus misinterpreted my empathy in the story… IT acknowledged ITs mistake. Kudos! Then why is that story – my baby, metaphorically speaking- still ‘in prison’ ?!LinkedIn Help cannot help.IT is a bot.There you go: I am stuck in a digital system because IT doesn’t trust me. Boohoo, some of my family members could now say to me. Yes, I did feel discouraged by it, as my role is being a connector; helping to depolarize life on Earth. #EmpathDo I have to conclude all my efforts out here were in vain? I hope not. I am hoping for a miracle clearing me instead. Mind you: the examples in which LinkedIn is NOT to blame for obstructions received are far worse and I didn’t even mention the really bad ones, as I do not want to scare anyone! : importantly: please copy-paste my little #connection story to current reality: Think about the children and their families, from the Netherlands to Australia, who are literally stuck in other digital systems? Computer said no. Bye kids. Computer made a mistake. It is just too complex to bring the kids back home… #toeslagenaffaire[BTW: why are we not protesting about that?!] Now think about that same digital system which can’t decrease the VAT on our veggies, even though our government wants that... Seriously?! THIS NEEDS TO STOP.INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY NEEDS EMPATHIC LEADERSHIP SIDING WITH LOGIC. #KMCan anyone out here please help me to connect with a human being working for LinkedIn, one day?Just saying: humane actions can defy digital rigidity…Maybe you’d spark the person’s empathy? No this is not a cynical question. It's a genuinely curious one. Thank you.Brenda PS: I know my character has been trashed behind my back in many ways. I not only didn’t take that personally; I didn’t resort to bad medicine myself. I stayed the course on all our behalf, as best I could: NI>HI>AI. I remained IN trust. I do hope, one day, I am seen for WHO I AM, on LinkedIn and X. [see my profile]. I can’t even access X anymore and I have ditched meta last year. Gosh… I wonder why…TBH -I’ve been an idiot for using it in the first place. I loved my geisha outfit on FB though. 😇 #play #dance #flyfreely! thank you for holding my space with this song. #artstouchhearts

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  • Brenda Smeenge

    Connector. Why-child & Pippi | Woman. Empath. Convergent Thinker | Creator at MFTM & WeTriarchy aka JOY in the Land of AND. Sentio ergo sum

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    POST 1/3- LINKEDIN SHERLOCKS PLEASE HELP: SOLVE THIS REAL MISTERY? Please read in full.CONTEXT:Human connection is pivotal against polarization. Our attributes for it, for example: genuine empathy, which includes genuine curiosity. A way to improve many dysfunctional [digital] systems on Earth, seems quite simple: value those attributes more evenly with attributes like goal-orientation. So: why don’t WE? #socialengineering I took a stand for it, online, in recent 4 years. Just saying: I literally kicked-off with a heart. Meanwhile my voice seems to be cancelled. CASE – THE MISTERY OF MISSING POSTSTwo years ago, I posted a sequel of 3 posts on topic: what stayed out of sight in a documentary.Recently I noted 2 of them are missing. I did not delete them myself. I did not receive an automated message from LinkedIn about it either. These 2 are missing: 1.Me honoring a person who did ground-breaking research about brains, beneficial to many of us.2.Me, honoring a youngster with a very wise talk.This one in the sequel, still is afloat: take-away was to believe in myself. #Empath 1 other post missing: Me siding a person’s take that "we all are monsters", with a person’s take that "we all are everyday angels." I resonate more with the later view, obviously… We all are multifaceted perfectly imperfect human beings.We all need each other to bloom. #compassionSO PLEASE, LINKEDIN SHERLOCKS: HELP ME FIND THOSE POSTS?I honestly do not know what the heck is going on! LinkedIn Help cannot help as IT is a bot.I’ve tried all I could think of to reach human beings at LinkedIn about glitches logged. Possibly, I’ve been too [joyously] Dutch direct? [then know this: I actually almost sh*t my dress, so to speak, the first time I tried 😊 ]. DO NOTE: I am 100% sure LinkedIn is NOT responsible for these missing posts. Full stop.[read: obstructions mentioned feel totally creepy to me, by now, but I refuse to back down]I managed the analog to digital transformation in a large publishing house once, so I do have some authority on topic. IT doesn’t add up anymore. Note: I deliberately choose not to mention social constructs in this post. Just in case, I choose to switch from apple to HP to post this, hoping that people can at least see my post?FFS = Flying Free Solo! Nobody pays me to do what I do. Thank you for your support!BrendaAndrea Bocelli AND Ellie Goulding, Thank you both for holding my space with this song: #artstouchhearts

    Andrea Bocelli, Ellie Goulding - Return to Love (Official Lyric Video)



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Brenda Smeenge on LinkedIn: #ai #ai #connection #content | 12 comments (41)


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Views: 5949

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.